Last time we fully spoke, you were way too caught up on the actions of some mods on a minecraft community, which I found pretty funny. You also still act like the typical salty guy, who has nothing better to do than try and get reactions from people on a virtual forums (I acted like so in November too, lol). I'm pretty confident you're probably 110% different off-screen, and are a good kid, but on here you're pretty weird. I don't like you much. You're really annoying, and you seem to me like you're obsessed over @Via, since you constantly spam and talk of her. It's really weird, but pretty funny at the same time. But eh, I guess trying to annoy people online is your thing. :t: This is a very true statement. Anyways, I love you Random. You're a very bright and caring person, which I appreciate a lot. You've been more than a great friend to me so far, and I'm really glad I decided to befriend you. You should stop beating yourself up, because you're great. I have no clue who you are, but nice to meet you! :p I enjoy making you laugh on TS a lot, lol. You're pretty nice, but we never really became friends much, so yeah.
I thought you were really strange at first, and you came off to me like you had this huge attitude. We played and talked on the server a few times after that. I guess you're cool, but I despise your music taste, lol. Dammit, I forgot of that. You seem cool to me, judging by your activity on here. :p
You seemed to be a pretty friendly person to me, hence why I decided to befriend you. You're super friendly (maybe a bit too much, lol) and really sweet. You appear to be a pretty sensitive person, since I've seen people bother you on here at times, which I recommend you don't allow. Your overuse of the " :3 " emoji is also kinda.. Interesting, aha. Mmm. Well, I didn't really notice you until you became mod. I figured you were one of those irrelevant players nobody ever heard of until Cyp promoted them. Even when you did, I had no clue who you were at all, lol. After interacting with you for a bit, and seeing your activity on here, you actually seem like a pretty chill guy. We should become friends at sometime. It sucks we can't really talk since we live so far away from each other. :( You're a really nice person, and I admire your music taste and interests that we both share in common. I can also tell you're pretty smart, and I honestly missed seeing you on here as mod, since you were one of my favorites. I think I already told you this, but you used to annoy me a lot. You'd always spam everywhere, and would try pretty hard to be funny. You've calmed down a bit since then, though. Since I never really befriended you, I don't have much of an opinion besides that, lol. :pomp:
I accidentally skipped over you, rip. I didn't like nor respect you for a long time after we got involved with useless drama. I think you know why, lol. We've learnt a lot from that dark time, though, and I've successfully moved on from drama, as well as the people who were involved in so for 2 years. As a result, I decided to finally put my disliking of you away, and move on from what happened. You're a pretty smart and sociable lad. I also appreciate your music interests greatly, and enjoy the fact that we can relate on some levels. :p
I skipped over you, and now I feel bad, lol. ;/ We used to talk back when I first joined, and you are pretty nice & chill. You have really great baking skills, and I hope culinary school is going well for you.
It's alright. I do remember when we talked since then, and I'm doing awesome with my baking. I did finished school. :D
Omg, I'm so bad at this.. I skipped another one by accident, lmao. I love your Snaps, Rodeen. :p We don't really talk though, so I don't have too much of an opinion. I still think you're a nice person though