Thanks @Kyra for the suggestion. So I'm very bored in school, which is why I've decided to make my 5th (I think) "TBH" thread. I'm adding an extra dose of honesty, so don't be offended. ;)
I love the trends Where to begin? Well, you've become one of my closest friends since I met you 4 months ago. You're such a sweet, caring, and bubbly person. You've proven yourself to me as a wonderful friend, and you care of me despite my constant complaining and mishaps. I'm grateful to have you in my life, and to call you a best friend. :D Don't really know you, besides the fact that you enjoy poking me. ;) I think you're a cool guy, but we never really became friends, lol. :p
Yes. Well, I didn't like you at all initially. You reminded me of one those typical edgy MC kids, who talks crap on a block-game and acts like they're a big sh*t. I was pretty wrong, though, and talking with you confirmed that. You're a pretty funny and chill dude, and I respect you a lot for how you treat @Kyra. She's definitely deserving of someone like you. :p I have no idea who you are. :t: So, the first time we talked was under a politics thread. You initially seemed to me like one of those kids who entertains themselves by causing trouble on a game community. Luckily I befriended you recently, and only after talking with you for a day, I can say that you're a really cool and nice person. We share some stuff in common, and I hope we can become closer friends. COURTNAYyy I'm super glad I decided to befriend you. I've only talked with you for about a week, and I must say that you're such a sweet and caring person. It's kind of strange how much we share in common, lol. I also hope we can become close friends. :D I never really talked with you much, but you seem pretty edgy to me most of the time. It's going well! Pretty lazy though, aha. I don't have much of an opinion to give, since we never were friends. I honestly forgot of you, lol. I think you were a good mod? Once you retire on here, you basically become irrelevant and forgotten. We talked a few times long ago. I guess you're cool, lol.