I'm citizen and I hope be vertan soon, but my friend @thorraks1 has vertan but he also I don't like the colour, as its the same colour as D prisoners. (To me doesn't stand out in the chat), I have some screenshots of @thorraks1 and a D prisoner. http://i.gyazo.com/e102d1a573e1da948fb155ea6ff5a5e8.png http://i.gyazo.com/f7d54e4149bcad5189df704a9f677633.png Thank you. If possible thanks I as thinking, (light blue &b [Vertan] or dark red &4) If you think different colours please comment them. Bye :t:
I completely agree with this. I have seen Thorraks in game before and his rank doesn't look any different from a D-Prisoner.