I believe the staff should carefully look at the reports when people are trying to ban people for death threats. One example is that you could be saying to someone ill kill you (meaning in the game), i think that staff should only warn people for offences like these as sometimes they mean in the game. Unless it is obvious like (Go Kill Your Self) whereas that more serious. Looking back at C2411's ban i think that what he said (ill kill you later lol) should not be a ban as he is obviously meaning in the game. Not trying to be mean to staff but just making a suggestion
He didn't specify the meaning of it being in-game. No Support. This thread should be moved to Suggestions.
Support, but this is really a mods choice because I know some mods do this. If you check "lack of evidence" death threat reports, you will see many like his who did NOT specify that they meant in-game and were not banned.
Everyone's thoughts behind this are different. Sometimes you can clearly tell when the player means in-game or irl. But if they leave it open ended, like your friend did, it's hard for us to make a determination. Death wishes/threats is not something we take lightly here. It's in the rules for a reason. Your friend has been here long enough to know that is in the rules and how serious we take that here on MV. All this being said, we do have a thread within the moderator section that teaches our mods ways to make the determination. But again, everyone's thoughts and opinions are different. There are a lot of times where people have been banned for something that I might not have banned for. Is that wrong of them to have banned the person? No, its just that our thoughts are different on the particular situation.
I agree with this, two of my friends were banned for threatening to kill me whilst we were joking around .-.
I agree tbh..I got banned for telling someone to die lol..It'd be much worse if someone was saying stuff like: "I'm going to kill you." etc, etc. It's dumb lol
True. I got banned for death threats after I said I'll kill you all, in response to someone saying they were going to 4v1 me but the person reporting waited until only what I said was on screen.
Support i have been banned before for saying imna kill you and it is kind of obvious that you are talking about the game not real life
Hm. I think just making yourself more clear would work better but I see what you mean. Unsure Sent using Tapatalk
It's true. Come to think of it, I agree with you, however I do think that maybe there can be a standardisation. Of course if the player is bypassing their ban by saying, e.g "Imma kill you (in-game lollll)" and spams it, I think it's fair that the player gets tempmuted or at least, warned for this.