I have a Premium rank from a VERY long time ago, I've asked several people and I've seen this problem lots. People have ranks in specific places, but not server-wide, and they'll tell you to email support@mineverse.com, It's only been around a week for my email, which makes sense (No Rush) but I've spoke to people who have said they emailed months ago and never got any sort of reply back? Is this just me?
Have you gotten a reply yet? If not, you can just bump your email by replying to it. My issue was addressed by Cyp in 4-5 days.
Well I donated 0 dollars and got Premium, I don't think that is the reason. Perhaps @Dyna_Mighty could help to check with Cyp?
The only way to deal with ranks is through the support email. The amount of money has nothing to do with if you get a response or not. For you to say that is honestly disappointing. You need to bump your email every 3 or 4 days. They have been super busy lately with the EULA/blacklisting, so you need to be patient.