INTRO Hey, it's me Dave and I've thought to myself if I could run for mod on mineverse. A few people have asked me if I have made a mod app yet? so I hope for the best here it goes! How old are you? I'm currently 16 years old I turned sixteen on the 27d of February 2014. What's your in-game name? my in-game name is davetheking12. What time zone are you in? A.C.S.T. Australian Central standard time. What countery do you live in? I currently live in South Australia. We may be moving at the end of this year sadly. What languages do you speak? I speak English (Australian) and partly Indonesian. Why do you want to be a mod? I would like to be a mod for a few reasons. 1.) I think It would be a good exprence for me being a mod since I've only been oped secretly on a private server 2.) Their are still a few hackers, trappers and scammers in some servers. I think I could make a small difrence to that. And I could maybe help out with reports or threads. 3.) i could help people that are stuck are constantly being trapped and being bullyed I have never been bullyed before. but I know how feels. 4.) i'm a fun person that usely congratulates people. I usely pay attention to a lot of people that ask for help. 5.) I guess I could sort out a argument between a few people, and maybe be able to stop people with bad comments 6.) There arn't many mods here on mineverse and I think you could add a few more in 7.) i always help people out when they need it and when ever anyone invites me to their clan or town I'll allways say yes and help out every now and then. 8.) I'm quite positive. A few people in chat have said bad things about them selfs and I always cheer them up. When people lose a fight I will cheer them up and give them some tips. 9.) On survival if someone is griefed I will show them how to claim land and help build a awesome house. I'm very active on survival so I know a lot about same with op pvp, infection, creative and infection. 10.) Воздав ops sorry Russian. i'm a very kind person. Say if I accidentally pay to much money I'll let them keep it. I've once voted for some one so they could be private on infection. 11.)I'm quite active. I might be online after school on week days and 3 hours a day on weekends 12.)I could help a lot of people when the restart comes. I'll help them build houses and farms just to get them started. 13.) it isn't really all about helping out. I do think I could some bans and mutes. Along with some ban appeals. How long can you be active on the server everyday? Every Australian day I might be active for at least a hour or more. Depends if I'm on a holiday or not .(read 11.) why do you want to be a mod?) How long have you been playing mineverse? I have been playing mineverse for quite a long time now. I think I joined about 6-10 mounts ago or more i don't know. I don't keep track of how long I've been playing. Do you have any past experience as a mod? I have not ever been a mod the only past experience I've had is when a player (Mr_Explosion17 my good friend) secretly oped me on he's friends server (read why do you think you should become a mod?) yet i do know a lot of multiplayer commands. PROS AND CONS Pro: a good experience for me being a mod. Pro: another mod on the server to take down hackers and scammers. Pro: I would have lots of fun. Con: not many people get chosen for mod. you would need to be lucky to join the team. EXTRA QUESTIONS. Here are some extra questions I made up :D If you were a mod what difference could you make? If I was a mod I think I could make a lot of people happy. As I've said I would help them out when they need it most. I'm not a kinda person that would grief someone. And if you ask my friends they all think I'm very kind which I think I am. If you want to ask me a question on this topic say in the comments and I might add it to the mod app :D So that was my mod app. if you feel like supporting please say in comments. if no support then also display in the comments. And last of all if you think I should add more to this mod app please tell me and i might add it in. :D
Support will be nice, today I'm going with out a computer so right now I'm using my iPhone. It took me a while to right the mod app so a lot of time went into it, it made me a sweaty penguin :p lol. And thanks to everyone that have supported me from the start. A shout out to fernonater_12, seinathebanana, JOJOAIDAN, madboyz and Mr_Explosion17. I remember the first time I joined the server it was when Mr_Explosion17 (my good friend) showed me this awesome server that had a op pvp thing I played that for a while and then survival came in and that's how it started really. And last of all good luck all mod apps and good luck everyone that are in the top voter's competition
Hello dave...can you add more things for "why you should be a moderator: because CypriotMerks and Noobcrew are going to look at that part of the section the most..and probably rate you on that section.
Well not to be mean or anything but that is not that much in that section...look at mine..or Cade or even other applications to see how much detail. You need
The application looks nice, but as Jarroy said, you have some grammar issues. Fix those and I will support you.
Ok fixed, as I said I'm using my iPhone and I think the auto correct is crazy. I was in a hurry because I needed to have a shower and the text wouldn't save
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