1. Real name: i don't give it out 2. Nickname: Exo 3. Favorite color: Black AND IF YOU CAN SEE IT ITS A COLOR 4. Gender: Male 5. Race: White 6. Age: 14 7. Sexuality: Straight 8. Introvert Or Extrovert?: Extrovert 9. Hair color: Brown but black with hair gel in it ;) 10. Tall or Short: Tall if you consider being 5.8 for a 14 yr old tall 11. Sweats Or Jeans: Jeans 12. Phone Or camera: Phone 13. Health freak: LOL in bizzaro world 14. Orange Or Apple: Orange all da way 15. Do you have a crush on someone? Yes but i don't like calling it a crush i'm not 7 16. Guy Friends Or Girl friends: Both 17. Piercings: Nope 18. Pepsi Or Coke: Coke has more of that syrup flavor doe 19. Have you ever been in a airplane if so how many times: 4 20. Have you been in a relation ship: Sorta idk 21. Have you been in a car accident: No 22. Have you been in a fist fight: If you consider wrestling with your dad then yes 23. First Piercings: I SAID I DONT HAVE ANY 24. Best Friend irl: Issac. Here: @Red. and Mrfishlips 25. First award: I can't remember i haven't done anything productive lately 26. First crush: i can't remember (Yeah my memory sucks) 27. First word: as in wut? 28. Any talent: If you consider martial arts a talent then yes 29. Last person you talked to: My sister 30. Last person you texted: My father 31. Last person you watched a movie with: Family excluding my father cuz of ez divorce 32. Last thing you ate: A homemade bacon cheeseburger 33. Last movie/Tv show you watched: New girl 34. Last song you listened to: Marilyn Manson - Slo-Mo-Tion 35. Last thing you bought: ughhz i can't remember..tho i am gonna buy push daggers later 36. Last person you hugged: This is gonna be embarassing but my mom cuz she was going to work :I 37. Favorite food: Sausage 38. Drink: Mountain dew 39. Fruit: Orange 40. Flower: What am i, gay? 41. Animal: Cat 42. Color: Didn't i already do this question? 43. Movie: Passengers 44. Subject: I dunno 45. Sport: Basketball 46. Sports team: None.. 47. Book: Hatchet 48. City: I aint saying 49: Country: Your mom 50. Song: Lie to me Have you ever? (Yes or No) 45. Fallen in love: No ezpz love does nothing other then heartbreak in the end 46. Celebrated Halloween: Yes 47: Had you heart broken: No 48. Went over the texts/minutes in your phone(Tablet): Yes 49. Had someone like you: Idk 50. Hated the way someone changed: Sometimes 51. Got in trouble with the police: Well once i dialed 911 then hung up then they came to my house other then that no 52. Had a party: nah 53. Did something you regret: Who doesn't? 54. Broken a promise: Some years ago 55. Hidden a secret: Yes 56. Pretend to be happy: Only for family 57. Met someone who changed your life: Yes 58. Pretend to be sick: Never tho i pretend to sleep 59. Left the country: No 60. Tried something you usually wouldn't try and liked it: Yeh 61. Cried over the silliest thing: When i was younger yes 62. Ran a mile: jogged/walked a mile 63. Gone to the beach with your best friends: No 64. Gotten into a argument with your friends: Always (@MrFishlips ) 65. Disliked someone: Yes 66. (Stupid question i dont feel like writing) 67. Eating: Nothing (suprisingly) 68. Drinking: Nothing 69: Listening to: Skillet - Stars 70: Sitting or laying: Sitting 71: Plans for today: Nothing 72: Waiting for: @Red. to get on 73: Want kids: I'm only 14 GIMME SOME TIME TO THINK ABOUT IT 74: Want to get married: After my father's divorce? No never unless the person is perfect 75: Want to travel: No *What do you look for in a partner 76. Lips or Eyes: Eyes 77. Short or tall: Short if your over 5.7 then nope bye 78. Younger or Older: I don't care 79: Romantic or Spontaneous: Again don't care 80. Trouble maker or Hesitant: Trouble maker 81: Hook up or relationship: Hook up unless if its 1 certain person that ik 82: Looks or Personality: Personality mostly but they gotta look a little decent tbh *Have you ever 83. Lost glasses: No 84. Snuck out of the house: No 85 Ever held a gun/Knife in self defense: No 86. Killed somebody: No 87: Broke someone's heart: Dunno 88. Been in love: Am i just answering the same questions? 89. Cried when someone dies: No they are dead i have to get over it *Do you believe in: 90. Yourself: Yes 91. Miracles: Yes and No 92: Love at first sight: I believe in hate at first sight 93: Heaven: Yes 94. Santa Claus: No 95. Aliens: No 96. Ghosts/Angels: Angel yes Ghost's no *Truthfully? 97. Is there someone you really wanna be with right now: Yes but she's dead... 98. Do you know who your real friends are: Yes 99. Do you believe in God: Yes i am a christian but don't usually follow the christian morality rules: 100. Do you easily make friends: Yes Finally this is done
I don't think you understand what I said, It's the absence of colour, which means it's NOT a colour. 3. Favorite color: Black AND IF YOU CAN SEE IT ITS A COLOR
It's still a colour weather on not it has light in it or not? It's still on the hex and rgb scale (rgb(0,0,0),#000000). It's literal definition is "the property possessed by an object of producing different sensations on the eye as a result of the way it reflects or emits light.", Black simply reflects all light which still makes it a colour. In the CYMK colour model (the one printers use) it's used along with cyan yellow and magenta to make other colours (it's like a inverse rgb). However in physics you are right, black is the complete absence of light but making that is pretty difficult. In human colour perception it is considered a colour [emoji4]
No your just really Spoiler: ... really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really Really x69 special.