Another suggestion to put down here. When trading items of value, players sometimes have a hard time trusting each other when making the trade. Usually people feel uncomfortable being the person to drop 2nd. Many items also get lost in the midst of trading. I have come up with a solution to this problem. The Problem: People getting scammed due to trading only available by dropping items, items getting lost to clear-lag, or other ways items may disappear. The Solution: Another one of these "I may be thinking about this way too simply" situations, but perhaps you could install a trade plugin to reduce the items lost in a trade.
This is suggested all the time however due to the high risk of duplication through a plugin such as this it is very unlikely that it will be added. Good suggestion though.
Eh, a good idea though it'll be abused like @kinsey_kid said, for example duplicating. I'll have to go with No Support, sorry.