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  • Tag Who Made Your 2016 On MV Great !

    Discussion in 'Off-Topic Archive' started by ImMrStealYoGurt, Dec 30, 2016.

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    1. longed

      longed Well-Known Member

      Nov 7, 2015
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      I'll do one of mine so:

      @Stacker7 - You always know how to make me laugh or smile because you either say/do something stupid & make weird noises and it makes me laugh for no reason. I'm proud to call you one of my good friends and I hope we can talk more on ts. We haven't known each other long but I feel like I can tell you stuff and you wouldn't really care if it were triggering or not. You put up with me so you are amazing and please stay amazing <3 farrooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooock

      @Via - You're such a cutie, I love you. We always have the best rants and I feel like I can tell you whats on my mind and you would just make a whole other conversation about it. I can really express myself with you and you can do the same with me. We haven't even known each other for like 2 months and we're really close. You get me Via, and I feel like we could be best friends if we got to know each other more. I'm glad to call you a really good friend. I love you xoxo <3

      @TradeOffer - You're a nerd. you really are. We always have the best conversations even if I just start it out by saying "lol". You're like the first person to put up with Kayla and Kelsey, even if all you do is ignore them. I send you like the most unattractive pictures and we can just talk to each other by sending pictures. We really need to talk more. Keep being a nerd ;)

      @Kyra - You're so sweet and we always have the most random conversations about literally nothing. I bet we could talk forever about something simple as air. I'm so glad I met you and I really want to get to know you more. Love you Kyra <3

      @Griff - You make the most stupid nicknames up for me. Ts is pretty fun when I'm home alone and I can actually talk. You are not allowed to catfish me, yes I'm bringing this back. You need to stop being a grid okay.

      @WhyteDuck - I don't know you very well but you yell at me a lot.
      it hurts my ears But you need to stop shipping me with people (you know who) or I will ship you with random people.

      @Disrespection - I love you & I can just talk about something that just happened and you would understand. You're super sweet and always fun to have a good laugh with. If I were probably shot at the moment I would talk to you and you would just laugh at me (because thats what friends do right). Stay awesome. <3

      @menpale - You're banned but you're a good person to talk to when I have something on my mind or if I have a stupid question. Even though I complain to you about my mom you still put up with it. You're the best ari <3

      @slept on - We need to play cs sometime & I'll stop yelling at you if you do play with me. Stop being a Jonathan, Jonathan jk

      sorry if I missed anyone
    2. KinderEggs

      KinderEggs Active Member

      Mar 8, 2016
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      awwwww i miss u to i love u sm thank youuu <3

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    3. KinderEggs

      KinderEggs Active Member

      Mar 8, 2016
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    4. Suixx

      Suixx Experienced Member

      Sep 7, 2016
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      I'm just gonna go along with this. And like half of my friends forgot me so, ima just cri...

      @Quertiss - You are like my best friend on this server, you never fail to make everyone happy on the server, and I think you'd be a fabulous mod. Even though you bully me 24/7
      @PerfectAly - You are also one of my besties, you are so funny and I think that you changing your name to 'Auixx' was the best idea ever.
      @Via - You are such a sweet kind person on the server and I think that you would also be a great mod :)
      @Computer - Even though I tried to get you banned for 'targetting' me, I'm glad we are good now and ye, ur cool af.
      @Griff - Damn, our jokes though. I did take a screenshot and that is going to be my signature in the near future :>
      @Broken_soldier You could say "Suixx wouldn't be Suixx without her rivalry with Broken" I'm very glad we made up for Christmas, and you did make my year some-what interesting. You are also super mature and funny.
      @GGs - You are my lover (not really) but I do love you and you are super kind. I love your name 'Guiixx' lmao
      @TrippyArmy - We don't talk as much anymore, but we used to be super close, I'm glad that you are happier now.
      @Kolos - You are so good at infection, and like, I know we're not teamed or anything. But you are such a good mod, and you are really nice.
      @Charisa - You are a really good mod and you are so cute and kind <3.
      @andrewdavid475 - You are a legend, congratulations on max.
      @Bessegen - Idk if you have a forums account. But you are really cool, ye.
      @WhyteDuck - You are funny, and I'm sorry I couldn't go on a date w/ you. Maybe we should reschedule.
      @UncleUrnesto - Damn, the good old times..And omg, your like my target buddy xD

      Please message me if I've missed you out, but like that's all that I can think of.

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      Last edited: Dec 30, 2016
    5. Ordi

      Ordi Mythical Member Premium

      Apr 23, 2014
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      Old times, also funny times. :)
    6. Kyra

      Kyra Well-Known Member

      Oct 29, 2015
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      Love you so much Hannah❤ Omg we honestly probably could, especially if we try to talk about how a bird flies :')
    7. Baby

      Baby Well-Known Member

      Jan 27, 2016
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      Here are the follow people that have made my 2016 amazing. I've only been on the forums for a year, so this is a huge year for me.

      @Wolfie - Although you're my brother, I've had so much fun playing with you this year. We've met so many people, and basically do everything together. I'm excited for next year.

      @SmooreDaddy - Even though you only made a forums account to say one profile comment, I had a blast playing with you on skype and just chilling on servers. I couldn't had imagined playing without you.

      @Mvxine - I keep getting the v and the x mixed up in your name. But I've had a fun time playing with you ever since we joined the forums. We still haven't skype called yet tho. :)

      @Auzzi - You were one of my first friends on MV. I've had so much fun hanging out in calls and such during the summer. I'm glad we got to play together. :)

      @Herf - You are a very nice player to talk to on the forums. You're the only one I can spam jokes with. I love the responses you give and they make my day.

      @Griff - I rarely see you on, but I still enjoy talking to you. You always say something that's funny and makes me laugh. I hope sometime we can play more on infection. Maybe even skype more often. :)

      @Primitive - Every time I see your name I think of summer. I had some amazing times with you and Auzzi and Wolfie. I hope we can play again.

      @StackerJr - I had some awesome times playing with you on skywars. I enjoy talking with you and just having a simple conversation. I hope our friendship continues throughout time. :)

      @Sando3 - Boi it's fun talking with you. I don't like that you like Hot tea, but that's ok. You're a great person to talk to in calls and I have a really great time.

      @Tigerz - I like you more than Sando (jk). I have fun talking with you and play mini games on Minecraft. You definitely made my 2k16.

      @AlexHandsLs - I am very happy I became friends with you this year. Some things I regret, like changing my alts name to AlexisSuperHot, but most of the things I'm glad happened. You are very nice to talk to, and I hope we get closer as friends. :)

      @Kyra - I'm usually not friends with noodle-lovers. But I've enjoy talking with you. You are very nice and easy to talk to. I hope we stay friends :).

      I'll add more but I'm on an iPad rn soo....
      • Like Like x 1
    8. Kyra

      Kyra Well-Known Member

      Oct 29, 2015
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      ❤ I love noodles not you
    9. MrDonutYT

      MrDonutYT Active Member

      Nov 27, 2016
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    10. Herf

      Herf Boss Member

      Jul 15, 2014
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    11. Veronica

      Veronica Boss Member

      May 28, 2016
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      awww <3

      i love you too <3
    12. BabyJr

      BabyJr Experienced Member

      Sep 5, 2016
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      Baby - I'm really glad we are friends, I enjoyed when we played skywars, and just simply talked, we should play more sometime, and maybe even on different servers! :) thanks for being an awesome friend!

      Mr. Ducky - you are awesome, I really enjoyed us pvping in that pvp video I did (I did get so much better and non laggy) and like I said in our convo, no matter if you got me a rank or not, you will always be a awesome friend of mine! :) thanks for being an awesome friend!

      Stacker7 - You were always there for me when I needed to talk to you, I never got to play with you, but we should play sometime, when you got mod, I think I was happier then a kid on christmas, and happier then you. Thanks for being an awesome friend!

      Andrewswj - I was always able to talk to you about everything, such as kids stabbing me with pencils to having a throat problem, I was sooo so sooo sooooo soooo so soooo happy that you got mod! You were an awesome mod, thnak yoy for yoyr service! We should play sometime, Thanks for being an awesome friend!

      @SprinkleMonster1 - now I know you don't have a mv forums account, but I have to say thanks for being my friend, I remember when we met where you wanted me on Skype so bad for some reason, so I gave you my skype, and now we are awesome friends! Hope you get a forums account to see this :)

      SpongeBobSquarePants - I am so sad that you don't play anymore, we never got to talk since I never had teamspeak 3, skype, nor a headset with a microphone (I have all of this stuff now) you were an awesome friend, u hope you come back!

      Griff - I had so much fun playing infection with you, even though we never talked other then saying hi, yoy are some awesome as what i have saw on the fourms, e should talk and play sometime :) thanks for being an awesome friend!

      WhyteDuck - we barely talked, but when we did, I really enjoyed it! Thanks for being an awesome friend!

      Porky - Although I never have talked to you on game or played with you, what I have saw on the forums, youare an awesome person to be with, thnaks for saving me in that forum game "save on out of the 3 peiple above you", Thanks for being an awesome friend!

      Via - We have never talked, but I had so much fun when we played the "Ban the person above you" forums game. We should play ingame sometime! Thanks for being an awesome friend!

      xX_IDK_Xx - I had so much fun playing with you in "Ban the person above you" and "Count to 50 before a mod posts" We shold play in game sometime! Thanks for being an awesome friend!

      ItzAnimal - I had really fun talking to you in skywars! Tbh, that was so funny lol. We should play sometime! You might not count me as a friend, but thanks for being an awesome friend

      Sorry if I forgot anyone, if I did, remind me, and I'll update this, the people that are in this Rn, we're on the top of my head at that moment in time.
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      Last edited: Dec 30, 2016
    13. CIASnipez

      CIASnipez Experienced Member

      Dec 26, 2015
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      There are a lot of people that made my year of 2016 great. A lot of people that I am happy that I met and will not forget.

      @CypriotMerks It is always fun playing games with you and talking with you because you are really funny.
      PS: Mr.hourglass

      @Kyra You are always there for me and you are a really nice person that I will never forget. I love talking to you it really makes me happy. PS: Ly

      @Bananurz You are one of my really good friends and you put trust in to me the first day we met. It is fun to play games you it is really enjoyable and It is always fun to be by your side and help you with what you need.

      @AlexHandsLs You are someone that I always talked to and a friend that I will not forget we had some fun times together and I hope those fun times will come back for some more. PS: Cookies

      @Stacker7 Young man It is fun to talk in ts with you and to play games with you.

      @Disrespection Well we had a lot of fun times and those are sometimes that I will not forget. It is fun to talk to you and to play games with you.

      @Espin Well I like to help you when you are in need and I like to make you smile and make your day better.

      @Exstatisfy Well we had sometimes that I regret and wish I never done. We have became good friends and we always play games together and it is really enjoyable the times when we talk and you start to rage are pretty funny as well xD.

      @Random You were one of the first people to trust me when I came back and you had my back. I always love to play games and to talk to you.

      @KatoKillsMyGPA Well Kato you are like a dad to me and it is always fun to play games with you and to talk to you. Miss you dad. PS: You're bad at dbd :)

      @Via Your voice is something that you cant imagine and you singing is lovely.
    14. WiiTarded

      WiiTarded Experienced Member

      May 2, 2016
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      Last edited: Dec 30, 2016
    15. Greg

      Greg Experienced Member

      Oct 18, 2016
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      @Happiily Cuz all y'all other people suck :D
    16. Veronica

      Veronica Boss Member

      May 28, 2016
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    17. unspokenlyrics

      unspokenlyrics Experienced Member

      May 23, 2016
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      this is such abuse
    18. Via

      Via Experienced Member

      Apr 24, 2016
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      Okie this is super dee duper cute and I have to do this :33 (srry this is gonna be long and ily all very much + srry if i forgot u)

      @Disrespection - I can't even begin to express my feelings for you. You're literally one of my best friends and the dumb junk we do together is what I live for. I love you very very much, even though we haven't known each other long. I always come to you first when I'm freaking out about something, and I'm so grateful to have you in my life. You're so beautiful and delightful, and our singing sessions are goals. Remember, we'll always be the sad crybaby sisters <3

      @Kolos - I love you so much Chain, and you're so funny. I have so much fun waking up and hanging out with you in the morning. Even though you jail me on prison all the time, and I always report you for dress code, you're still my best friend. And I couldn't imagine going through the dumb stuff I go through without you. You'll always be my weird cringey rotten orange, but I honestly am so grateful you're in my life <3

      @taju - Tajuuuuuuu!! I love you to the moon and back, and the rants and hate sessions we have are goals. We haven't known each other long, but I can tell we're going to get super close and become bro goals. You look like Ariel Winter and ily and you're honestly beautiful. If I were a guy named Vio, I'd 10/10 date you. Wink wink. <3

      @Pile - Where do I even start, Mum? To be quite honest, you're better than my real mum. I love you so so much, and I look up to you and respect you. You've been one of my major role models since I first met you on CC. I treat you as if you were my real mum, and to be honest, I love you with all my heart. You're always looking out for me and protecting me, especially from sketchy people (cough cough K). I will always wish that you could adopt me Pile, and I will always be here for you, no matter what. <3

      @Sparky - Hi Mum #2! <3 You're my amazing Aussie mum, and I love you to bits. You look out for me as well, and you always talk me through my ups and downs. I can't tell you how thankful I am for what you've done for me, and I really hope you don't leave! You're strong, independent, beautiful, and stubborn <3 I love you very much Sparky_Mumma, and I hope you stay with me <3

      @Bananurz - I love you to the moon and back, even if you are a bully sometimes! I'll gladly sing for you again hun. Just stop being mean to me d; I know I tease you a lot, and mess with you at times, but I really am thankful for meeting you. You're honestly not that bad, and even though I've heard a lot of rumors about you, I can see they aren't true. You're a wonderful person, and you do in fact have a soft spot <3 Thank you so much Nana, and I wuv you to bits <3

      @CIASnipez - You are literally so much fun to hang out with Cookie Man! I met you on my first day of Mineverse, and you're one of the reasons I'm still here! You are so silly and funny, and we have the best times on teamspeak. Even though Eyecandy was a creepy stalker, you've always been there for me. And I hope we can get closer in the coming year! <3

      I have a lot of other ppl to write about too, but I'm not gonna put it all in this! PM me if I missed you and I'll write it in there <3 ily all very much
    19. Porky

      Porky Senior Moderator Senior Moderator Competition Team

      Jan 30, 2016
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      <3 Ty
      @StackerJr - Though we haven't been in game with you, I enjoy talking to you on the forum. Thanks for being awesome <3

      @Stacker7 - you know why ;)

      @Suixx - I enjoy playing Infection with you, and thanks for giving me your XP kit now and again. Thanks for being awesome too <3

      @lapfuwong - Though your Forums acc is deleted, you helped me through to Zeus before OPPrison started to reset. Thank you for everything <333

      @Computer - I enjoy talking to you on forums and playing on Infection in game. Thanks for a great year. :)
      P.s. Please no eggs next year :(

      Sorry if I missed anyone, but these were the first people that came to the top of my head.

      Thanks for a great year guys <3

      Last edited: Dec 31, 2016
    20. Griff

      Griff Well-Known Member

      Jul 12, 2016
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      Pesky ant
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