Okay this is one of the biggest things that bother me about the forums. 1. Add a forums suggestion section because that is extremely useful in segregating the suggestions. 2. Ideas and suggestions and suggestions are one in the same. There doesn't need to be two sections. 3. It looks really odd to click on a staff member to see they have a normal user tag such as active member on their cards. People could easily mistake them from non staff this way due to maybe not being set right in their group after resigning/demotion. Go back to actual staff tags so players can easily distinguish what rank a mod is. 4. FIX OLD MINEVERSE THEME PLEASE. The old theme is super friendly to low bandwidth, slow connection and slow pc users. The theme is really messed up because of all these new additions so please show it some love. Thanks.
Agree with 1,2,4 but 3 I like how it says "active member" etc, we could put both though. Like a banner that says Moderator then under says active member.
^^ Support for that, also btw I already suggested to add a forums suggestion sub-forums in suggestions.