Hello I'm BreakfastBoy/KingRarity, and today I couldn't connect to mv. I tried mineverse.org, skywars.com, and mineverse.com (I know it's blacklisted) Can you please help me? I have nothing to do now ;-; https://gyazo.com/25b631b7244ac1550e23274c4361b85a
I can get in, try using the ip I use: Mineverse.com Or use skywars.com and do /hub. ^ Do this to if none of the other suggestions work
Mineverse has been blacklisted on all ip's. However, this does not mean mineverse is completely gone. You can still connect by downloading this launcher: https://squidhq.com/ Some people also say you can use forge or laby mod, but squidhq is what @CypriotMerks recommends. I am locking this due to the solution being stated. Feel free to report this or start a pm with me if it does not work.