Recently I've been on Skywars, and whenever joins, and they've voted a lot, this happens. Not to sure if it's only on Skywars, haven't checked. It causes a lot of spam, and it's super annoying/irritating. So, what I suggest, is instead of having all those messages individually, we have one message when they vote. Example, if they've voted twice, it would have one message and at the end saying 'x2.' It's quite a simple suggestion, I think. So why not, right? Have a good day/night.
it happens on every server, i doubt they are going to do anything because they only fix major problems but support
Support. It's not a big deal, but when that happens I'd have to scroll up to see what the previous message someone typed was. Would be great to have this fixed. Good idea!
Support, I think all those repeated vote messages must be all the servers that are on mineverse. The vote system maybe has a vote message individually for each game mode?
Support, I'd prefer to see "RandomPlayer48385175 voted at x45" instead of 2 pages of chat full of the same message "RandomPlayer48385175 voted at".