An Xbox One S Gears of War 4 Edition, Watch_Dogs 2, Dishonored 2, Halo Collection, some other games, Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge (iPhone 7 is aids), clothes, and a new desktop chair.
Well, I got a Skullcandy Uproar wireless Headphones, a Razor Blackwidow chroma keyboard, IPhone 7Plus, and a rank on another server. I would say I got a lot because each of what I got was pretty expensive.
Drawing tablet New headphones that I don't know how to wear. sweets stationary to remind me of that warm fuzzy feeling of going back to school
- I got a new monitor - A GoPro - PAJAMAS - Junk Food - Blue Snowball Mic - Lots of Moneyz - and a bunch of WiiU Games
Gtx 1060 ti gaming pc 100$ steam card 100$ prepaid credit card clothes swag 50$ intunes card nike air maxs 2017 nike bag 300$ in money corsair k70 keyboard razer naga mouse and that's it