If you currently ask me, i think they should add a modded server so mineverse would gain some popularity, using mods like Pixelmon, for donors they can only get their special kit[EVERY MONTH], also have /kit monthly for non donors to have a better chance, the kits consists are. /kit premium 20 great balls, 40 ultras balls+800 Pokecoins, and keys to use. /kit sponsor 30 great balls, PC , 50 ultra balls. +2000 pokecoins and more keys to use.
I'm pretty sure that would be a big factor in the server getting it or not. Until you go into detail and explain whether or not this would even be possible no support.
There is no plugin rn that could allow people to play w/o the mod... But I support. This is a really fun gamemode and I would enjoy playing it on mineverse
Ahh, as much as I want to support this I feel like it would require an awful lot of effort which would lead to everything else being slightly neglected, not to mention that the server already has the running nickname of 'lagverse' so a gamemode with such a large mod and the usual plugins may not help the situation.. Also what version of pixelmon would be required & what version of minecraft would it have to run on? It's a shame that, as mentioned above by others, there isn't a way to play without the mod as it would be really awesome if there was a way to make it work c:
It probably won't be added but if it does I'll be happier than an old man getting married to a 5-year old
neutral, seems like a cool idea, but it'd lag a lot with 'pixelmon' as it's a strong mod. Also, it'd take a lot of effort and time into getting the server up and running, building he maps etc etc.
Neutral - I don't see why mineverse would run a pixelmon server as it would just take up server resources. If you want to play pixelmon with your friends on mineverse or something just find a pixelmon server and ask your friends to play it