Hey guys! A small event for Christmas, on our Dubtrack we will be having a night for just Christmas music! As well as being on the Dubtrack, we will be getting in-game and playing games together. It will be Friday, December 23rd at 7pm EST. You can play classic Christmas music AND Christmas remixes. **Any non Christmas music WILL be skipped during the event.** Hope to see you guys there!
Have fun guys :D It sucks I can never make these events though :L #ILoveBeingInEurope Jks though have a merry christmas ^-^
ONLY CHRISTMAS MUSIC?? How about any other religious holidays around this time of the year?? This is so racist
@Dyna_Mighty be sure to play lots of PTX Christmas Music for me! I won't be able to make it; GMT timezone :(
Disliking because it says only Christmas music, I wanted to play my quanza music but now I can't hanks to racial profiling, triggered.