Make the factions world a square. I just ran to the corner of the nether to get a corner claim, just to realise that the map is a circle, like seriously what factions server has a round map? Also having it as a circle makes it VERY hard to fully claim your base. The world boarder looks something like this. To make sure you have fully claimed you base you have to make the boarder out, with a square world you can just do /f map and looks if it's a square. Also it still makes claiming even harder you could have a perfect claim but 1 bock between your claim and the would boarder could be wilderness. For example the moss stone is the unclaimed part, someone could pillar up and make a wither right next to your base. Please make it a square like it was before the reset so it's easier to claim and people don't run across the boarder, hit it and get teleported under bedrock. [Possibly editing with more information]