Ω ∆ The Epic Sky ______________________________________ Hey Everybody! I'm Soneyburst and I hope most of you guys know me, but if you don't, I do youtube (Soneyburst) and I will be doing a dope OPFactions series where I will be dedicating tons of time and effort into my content. Heres my faction info and put your ign and rank down below if you'd like to join: Leader: Soneyburst Co-leaders: Emily, Blackfox, Tehbeatles, nomoresanity(maybe) Members: Zeckboi • MaoriPerez • ken young • 400thplayer • Ms. Cookie • TheGizmo • canucks • xx_deadpool_xx • HammerFTW (evan)• DrSharkKiller • Barneyrektum8, DonutShadez • Snowbeast • Centro916 • zacattack1144 • ZLATEH(Froggy) • TehBeatles • kika_k19 • lv100Charmander • devilfire_ • IsNo1 • bertoe • Grace_prinsloo • Raleigh • TheShadowpvp (elite) • rocked_ • demand23 • _Ainsley_ • GodofGodNo1 • SmokingBroccoli • InfamousBlade • nicegirl05 • sunny__girl • lydia_412 • SH55S • iShadowpvp • fufu1233321 • JFFEE • toxic garden • Ringo24 • Keswanksi(elite) • Savage_ASF • DefaultSkin • NoMoreSanity • Vape • Vapeourish ALLIES: Stranded,Moose RANKS: Leader: Soneyburst - Plan and organize what the faction will do, lead most raids, invite members, and guarantee who is trusted. Co-Leaders: Sky Warrior - Truce and enemy factions for raids, or for protecting higher trusted/allied factions, and kick out members who are not trusted or who are raiding. ONLY for that reason will you kick people out. I don't mind being rude to one another, but I'd prefer if everyone realized that we got each others backs one way or another. Members: Cloudian- The difference between the two will be that the bolded member will be known by the Co-Leaders to be very trusted and can participate in all:[building projects, raids, teleports to grinders]. New thing that I'll be doing is that if you are a leader of another faction and wish to combine factions, I can make you a highly trusted cloudian (the bolded version) who has almost as much authority as Co-Leaders, but will have the title Cloudian[Old faction name - or abbreviation]. They will have most control over there own faction and will be like a branch or clan in TheEpicSky who can have their own base if they choose so, but it will not be claimed, but then it will be harder to find as well. Cloudian:If your a cloudian who is not bolded it is up to Co-leaders and me if you can go or not, almost 100% you will be allowed to go anyways so don't worry its just on rare occasions. They may be /tp to the /f home if the permission is turned off. Recruits: SkyShard: A trusted recruit is someone who is already up to speed with the faction and can be involved in on going [Raids and grinders]. They might be able to /tp to the /f home or sometimes building projects if Co-leaders believe so. Be in the faction for at least a couple of days. (This just helps other members in the faction clearly see who is trustworthy) SkyShard: A newly invited recruit is brand new and can't be involved in any building of bases or projects, tp to grinders, or teleport to /f home, so please do not tpa them. They can be given jobs*(scroll down for more info) Rules of Faction: Loyalty, trust, and honesty are really important. I don't mind if you were taking some stuff from a chest just tell me or whoever, but hopefully you just ask them for stuff and we will surely give you whatever you need. (We are a verrrrrry generous faction) No need to steal from others in our faction or steal from chests. Most chests will be public, but honestly just ask others if you can have something it's not really big of a deal, you'll be able to get something back later. Co-leaders are NOT allowed to kick members unless someone is legit raiding or trying to be a rat for another faction. Don't build anything in the base that isn't approved by someone by a Co-leader or Soneyburst. All raids and faction bases that you find will be taken accounted for. Make sure you write down the coordinates correctly, so we can put add it to our list of known bases. If you find a base by yourself and no one is on just write down the coords wait for all of us to get on, and you can be acting raiding captain for that base ;) THANK YOU! Youtube: Soneyburst Msg me on forums if you'd like to be in my videos and give me your Skype!
Whos fac will you be in? And okay sure ya! maybe ally if we get to that point but i dont really like having allies so who knows
Hmm... I would like to ask if your faction, or anyone in your faction can make cannons or walls for the base.
I can join, but I want to make sure I'm not joining a faction that can't survive. Maybe name some types of cannons or walls you can build?
If you didnt see my videos on utube, go look at them i didnt make that huge enderbase bymself. Right after i finished the obsidian and stuff i changed my minecraft name and lost all my mcstats so ya but trust me bud i gotchu
Tbh, I find it highly unlikely that all of them will follow through on their promise to join the faction. Expecting about 50-75% of them to actually join..