Yo, i may not play MV (due to my perm ban) but I'm still gonna try make it good. As you can tell from the title it's shows my ideas on how to improve MV First off the banning system needs a way for all staff to see a ban evading players IP as soon as they join the server (LiteBans has this) this way the staff can instantly get rid of that ban evader, if this was implanted it would resolve the "ban evasion" situation on Mineverse. My second idea is this a store add-on. This store add-on would include the "Unban and Unmute" purchases, if someones "Perm muted" they could spend a bit of money to get unmuted, same as a Ban, if someones "perm banned" they could purchase a "unban" some people use MCLeaked account (some kitpvp well known people hack on alts for money) it would result in that percific player the unban was purchased for could return into the server with this add-on it should be only 1 purchase thats final (most HCF and practice servers have this) so say if someone got perm banned then purchased this unban add-on or unmute if they went to purchase either one again with the same IGN they wouldn't be able to due to the limit purchase amount per IGN, this way it'd reduce ban evasion. My third suggestion is a Anti-Proxy/VPN plugin. With this idea/plugin (if implanted) it'd prevent anyone with a proxy or a VPN joining what means ban evading on a VPN comes to a sudden halt that decreases the chance of someone ban evading and giving a staff member grief on their ban towards the main account, most hackers use a VPN/Proxy to hack so the main account they use with a donor rank cannot be suspected as them, I know in the US it's hard to get a new IP address, here in the UK it isn't but thats heading off-topic, my point here is with this kind of plugin it'll prevent any ban evading on a VPN. Ty for reading. ~Dis.
Buying unbans doesn't prevent unwanted attention, it attracts it. People get banned for a reason, if they want to get unbanned they can appeal. No need to add unbans to the shop.
Does the unban have specifics? Like only specific hackers can be unbanned or people permamuted? Cause I see a lot of old good hackers coming back from perma bans if this happens. Now, of course Cypriot could add this easily for the Potential bank he would be making from this idea, but he would be losing potential money from active players. Like you said, its a one time deal with that IGN account, while say a 5 buck unban * 200 or 300 hackers paying Cypriot for unbans would be a lot (1000$ - 1500$), he would lose the potential players buying ranks who would rage quit from the huge increase of hackers now on the server from the unban system. In a business view, that's very negative in the money situational and in the community viewpoint it would ruin the community as well. So, no support from me in that suggestion. As for the IP suggestions, meh. I believe senior or head mods can see IPs possibly? I think I read that in a comment in the past. The seeing IP thing would help with ban evasion. For the second idea...you're implying that the player cannot change his IP by say going to another location and connecting to that IP address? Because that and VPNS are probably the only way you could disguise your IP. Neutral on those two just for reasons of my own.
The unban wouldn't be cheap, I used to play a server where the unban was $150 and over 60 people bought it in a week, Cypriot would choose the prices if he implanted this, the old hackers who played quit mc a long time ago lol.
If they buy an unban, that means more money for the server, if they don't want to buy an unban, then they can appeal
If they buy the unbans, there is more money to keep the server up, and possibly add more gamemodes, and any suggestions in the suggestion forum.
Support I agree with everything, disabling vpns reduces ban evading. Buying unbans generates good income for cyp and the server. And notifying staff when someone is banned and joins the server is a golden idea and I've seen it on plenty of servers. All of this makes perfect sense. Support support support.
Alex buh we both play HCF and practice and it uses this exact method and what do ya know? It works lmao.
The only problem is that most mv players don't play 1.7 where almost every server has these implemented. So they aren't sure how it works and doesn't realize how successful this really is. At the end of the day some members lack server knowledge.