@IncaMiyuki was haunted to death when Syndicade's ghost learned that you were the one who bribed his hitman to betray him in the first place.
@xX_IDK_Xx was haunted to death by @IncaMiyuki when she realized that @xX_IDK_Xx set her up to look like she bribed the hitman
IncaMiyuki got total locked in syndrome due to a krait bite. Which ultimately lead to his untimely death when then buried him thinking he was dead. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Locked-in_syndrome
Plot Twist:eek: As a vengeful spirit, I possessed the hitman and sought revenge on both the hitman and @IncaMiyuki . As the hitman, I hired some ghost busters to kill your ghost since you're already dead. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Edit: Since @TheNiceSnake posted at the same time as me... TheNiceSnake was killed by the knife of procrastination. (Reference to signature)
lol. I think so. <Clicks Respawn button> This thread is for Minecraft deaths so I can do that xD @IncaMiyuki was slain by Noob using 'Grass block'.
Lol. You were killed by a dead zombie? <The zombie respawned> @IncaMiyuki nf;lhfidsago;aSd <Minecraft has crashed>
Lies ;-; @IncaMiyuki was electrocuted by the computer she threw it at "the zombie" because the wires were tangled around her arm.