IncaMiyuki thought that jumping of a 100 story building on a beatiful day into a giant hot pool of lava with spikes and zombie pigmen in it was a good idea
That happens to me so many times on KitPvP They are caught because I record and report them though xX_IDK_Xx didn't know what happened to him/her (4 Players saw an anvil fall on his/her head)
EccentricPotato_ was nothinged by XxN1Tr0xFUs1ONS, who was later banned from infection for being an idiot by sticking his head in a toaster.
lol, did you just assume my gender? I identify as an attack helicopter .-. (I'm female fyi) @EccentricPotato_ was attacked by a mob of easily offended 10 year olds. R.I.P ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Edit: Since we posted at the same time, but my comment appeared under... @XxN1TR0xFUS1ONS became burnt toast. He later died by egg spam.
<XxN1TR0xFUS1ONS was arrested for murder> ...On the way to the police station... <XxN1TR0xFUS1ONS was 360 no-scoped by a p10 zombie with a sharpness 20 bow> <XxN1TR0xFUS1ONS was spawn killed> <XxN1TR0xFUS1ONS was spawn killed> <XxN1TR0xFUS1ONS was spawn killed> <XxN1TR0xFUS1ONS has left the game>
xX_IDK_Xx was banned for being rude to a mod on a server that wasn't mineverse and XxN1TR0xFUS1ONS was given protection from rude people
@xX_IDK_Xx was also terminated for having a really cancerous username that gives me flashbacks to Call of Duty lobbies.