Since /fly got added, I thought it would be cool to suggest some more perks that could be implemented in the future. /Jellyslegs - This allows a player to take no fall damage when activated. /Back - Currently only supremes have /back on factions, I think this perk should be added for Gods/Titans as well. /Pot - Allows you to stack potions. Elite + should get this, but limited to how much a rank can stack. Elite/Supreme being able to stack up to 16, Gods being able to stack 32 and titans being able to stack 64. Splash pots shouldn't be stackable though, due to damage pots being way too op. /Sell hand - Basically allows you to sell everything in your inv/hand. Should be for Titans only. All these should be available for high ranks, but none ranked players would be able to win via voter key. /Jump - Basically teleports you anywhere you look. This should be removed since It makes any base raidable, and it just really isn't meant for a factions/op factions server. Also I think some crate keys should have special kits, like kit raid, kit pvp and maybe a kit special? could give you unique items that ranked kits do not give you. All these kits should be every 2 - 3 days when won.
I think the only way to make these things EULA compliant is to also add them in the voter crates. I like the ideas though.