Discussion in 'Accepted Applications' started by Maxine, Dec 5, 2016.
Never seen you b4
I'm online right now if you'd like to meet
I'm not talking in game I'm talking forums
Ah okay, thank you! I try to be as active as possible
b00mp ;D
Bump! ♥
-Set up 2fa on server (heard this is becoming a new requirement).
Thanks <3 Just adding on to this - it doesn't work :c I made a thread 'bout it.
Support. We need more English mods, our timezone sucks.
Support Best of luck ;) ~Pink
Thanks guys <3
Support. you're active and do reports.
Support! You Go Gurl.
Thank you both of you <3
Changing to support ;) Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Thank you for your reconsideration!
Bump ;P
@TheNiceSnake reasons?