Hello, your truly here, so I thought of this suggestion when I was in the car coming back to my house from somewhere near my home. I got some Pokemon key-chain present's for chistmas, and then a crazy idea pop'ed into my head!! How about a Pokemon pet!? Of course only donors may do this, I am thinking maybe MVP+ have this special pet. Some of you may be asking "Well then, Which pokemon will this pet be?" I am thinking that it will be the Pokemon Squirtle or Charmander! Why?: Because these pokemon aren't very large, but they also aren't too small so that players couldn't see these awesome pet's! Some no-ranks are thinking "Why can this only be for donors?" Well, I think that this pet could be added to gain the servers popularity and money from this. Because, who doesn't like Pokemon?! Of course we will need Nintendo's permission for this. EDIT: I am adding the following pokemon.. Evve, Bulbasaur and Pikachu.
They would be adding onto what they should not be doing. Cypriot would be digging his and the servers own grave.
No support, it wouldn't be EULA-compliant, it wouldn't be easy to add the pokemons in-game and we would need Nintendo's permission.
I don't even know if this is possible. Even if it was, still no support. We're trying to be with the EULA.
I like this idea but why only Squirtle or Charmander? Couldn't it be all 3 starters(Bulbasaur), then Pikachu (though mentioned) and Eevee too (since Eevee is seen as a secondary mascot and is one of the Pokémon that many think should replace Pikachu.) I'll give this a support but it would be difficult to get this approved ^^
Literally laughing here You REALLY think that a Minecraft Server is going to be able to get permissions from a multi-billion dollar company to use their property.
Thanks for the feedback. I will be adding bulbasaur and evvee! This is a suggestion, not a "Will be". thanks bois! No, I haven't forgotten. I never said this would be possible which is why this is a suggestion. Thank you Pink! Thanks StackerJr! Alright, thank you for your feedback. About the Pleasy read the full suggestion before you reply, in the last sentence. I quoted.. Thank you. OMG Forgot about him!! How could I? Adding that know. Thank's for the feedback ans the amazing idea :D Alright, thank you for the feedback though.
Ok I love this idea! Who cares about Nintendo they won't care tbh I want a charmander a squirtel a pickachu a raichu a pichu a bulbasaur a piplup a treeko a magneto a snorlax a ditto a celebi a charazard an evee *loud inhale* * puff puff * ok ok I think I've said enough. . .