i live in PST and i just want to know a specific date when /opfactions will be up or at what time. If you post an annoucement about it Im sure that you will have a greater community that will be on to start
i just want a set time though like i want him to know its 100% complete and then let us know a day before that it'll be up tomorrow by like 5pm PST or something like that you know? @CypriotMerks So i can be ready? and I want to start my youtube series right when /opfactions opens up
Well considering this op factions reset has been delayed for about a year waiting a couple of days more won't hurt I just hope it will be soon. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
"To those who will question about OP Factions it's 95% completed." - @CypriotMerks 9 December 2k16 :pomp:
A definitive date isn't going to be given. The second that you guys are given a date and something goes wrong, people will blow up and rage over it. Complications don't understand due dates. It will be out when its ready.
But a rough estimate will never hurt. I've only come back to play here, along with a few others, because I was told it was going to be reset on Monday.