I agree with shortly after the scam, but if, per say I got scammed, what did I do to deserve getting back less then I got scammed for?
I do support people being refunded from scamming, however there are ways to easily abuse this. First, alts. While you could argue, "IP" checking to ban those who scam mods, there are ways to get around that. Two friends say get together and do a plan. Say one has account and the other has a account as well. You could easily do a huge scam and get away with it. Say you paid someone 10 mil on skyblock for Titan rank. obviously that someone would get banned and hey the original player gets 10 mil, plus he could get a alt for his friend to play when he's at his house. Secondly, editing. As I stated in a comment awhile back, editing is a easy way to fool moderators. One way is to use screenshots to ban people from scams. Simply edit a screenshot to show a player scammed you. Say you gave a player some items and he was suppose to give you some cash in-game but he "didn't". Bam, player banned with no evidence to prove he was innocent unless he records/screenshots every moment in-game to prove he wasn't doing a deal. of course, you could do recordings this way as well but its extremely difficult and time consuming. While I see this as a benefit to people who actually get scammed, I do see this as a risk to those who actually fake scams. While we ain't the most popular server, we do have a frequent amount of people who break rules secretly and out in the open. Thus, running the risk of fake scams all over the place. Therefore, I don't support this due to the risk of people faking scams.
All of what he said plus the fact that to give refunds or to gain said items to refund, mods would have to be OP'd on every server, and that's definitely not going to happen. We also do not have access to the logs of MV, and that will not happen either. So that essentially would leave Cyp and Crew to do this, and this will not happen either. Which is why we laid it out in the extended rules to trade at your own risk, no refunds, as well as having video evidence. Sorry, just how it works here.
No support, the reason the mod did not ban the player who scammed you may be due to the fact you did not get enough evidence Good luck
Record instead of screenshots? Really isn't difficult + windows has game recording. Only SR mods could be OP-ed. The trusted ones. And you wouldn't need OP anyway. VPNS are blocked anyways lel No. I gave enough evidence and the player was banned. Stop being a trampoline and jumping to conclusions. Already been mentioned Will be abused how?
No support. This is very very troublesome and has a lot of loopholes others have mentioned. About Whois, it can be avoided with a player friend from Asia pretending to scam someone from the United States and then the IP checks that senior Moderators can do will not find anything.
The level of "nope" on this is extremely high to me. While I agree that refunding items is a great idea in concept, in practice, the perms and access needed for things like OP and Server logs is way more risky than any benefit. If I were to argue for a compromise, I would propose changing the rules around scamming to a "Scammer gets 31d ban and account balance zeroe'd" This would allow for the attempted tracking of alts (still not reliable, but eh, better than nothing) and provides no financial gain to the scammer. My biggest issue with the current approach on scamming, is that in general the gain is still there for the scammer. If they scam a bunch of money? When they get unbanned, they still have that money. I would love to see sufficient evidence get their balances zeroed out to further discourage the practice. NOTE: Yes I know VPN tunnels, SSH tunnels, etc will make finding alts potentially difficult and allow players to transfer money/items, but no system is perfect.
There are multiple threads on this, the same issues occur. No support. If there was a way to stop the issues; sure, but there arent. ;(
What if I seriously safe and reliable way to trade was a possibilty? Money on notes would mean that you'd be able to trade items and money through something like /Trade?
Devs? we have devs now? Dang, we might get something done a bit faster now. Its not Cypriot working on everything himself now. In all seriousness, we use other people's plugins most of the time due to our devs don't have the time, plus from what I'm told they don't exactly get paid that much to develop, though I could be wrong.