Save the DeadLyfe!!! The infection needs hope again, this suggestion will discuss how we can improve it! Start with the glitches: Many glitches overcame Infection in the past period this made many people leave Infection, some of these glitches: Boosting: I know boosting is kickable but still people boost, we can avoid that by adding higher iron bars to the place where people can boost at, for example: in NukeTown map, people can boost between the map and the unwanted map part, we can stop that from happening by adding invisible blocks or iron bars to the wall. Block glitching: Block glitching can be avoided when fixing the anticheat plugin, e.g. the anticheat plugin takes 7-10 seconds to kick block glitchers, it should take less time, 2-4 seconds may help avoiding block glitching. Lobby join stay: lobby join stay is the glitch that happens when you join at the last 10 seconds of lobby and/or before 10 seconds of teleporting to map, this causes you to stay in the lobby/spawn of infection, you then need to relog or jump down from the sides of the lobby, this causes many players to be zombies which ruins there game, I am not saying we should stop the plugin from this glitch because this would take a lot of time and work, but we should work on a command like /glitched, that you excuse when lobby join stay to become a human, we should also add a rule to the anticheat plugin to kick the player that stays more than 20 seconds in the lobby, so that if he went afk under any cercuminstance he would be kicked, this can help not ruin the game for the players in map. Also remove the dispensers from NukeTown as they are getting abused in many ways, such as giving p6 bows to lower prestige zombies or even humans. Now lets go for the maps: There are many ideas for maps that will make the game better: Stop map repetition: Maps usually repeat consecutively, where it repeats like 3 times after each other, this results in many leaves/quits because people are bored of this map, we can avoid this by adding a /mapvote plugins, where in this plugin you do /mapvote, it gives you 5 map choices and you vote for one by /mapvote [Map Number] this can help in avoiding map repetition. Add more maps: when you look in the map submissions area in the suggestions area, you can find that there is 50+ infection maps waiting approval, we should make a weekly promotion, this weekly promotion chooses 3-5 maps to be added to infection, this would add a better taste to the game. Prestiges: We should add more prestiges other than prestige 10, like your playing and you got to p10, then you lost all the fun and goals you had, because your very op and nobody can stop you, we should add Prestige 20 and whats between it and Prestige 10, so that we can have more fun when we reach p10, and when 15 players reach p20 max we can then add more prestiges, this way the fun won't stop right? In conclusion, I hope you have more Ideas for the game, which can be commented and I would take each comment into consideration. I would love to hear your ratings and what can I improve into this suggestion, so please rate it using the template here: For supporters: 1. The Support message, 2. why did you support, 3. if there is any Idea you don't support or should be improved. For neutrals: 1. The neutral message, 2. why did you neutral, 3. anything I can improve in the suggestion. For no-supporters: 1. The no-support message, 2. why did you no support. 3. What can I edit/change in the suggestion.
No Support I like Infection But It Should Stay The Same I would Like The Glitches To Be Fixed But Infection Is Fun How It Is Now. But If You Come Up With Good Ideas On Classes, You Will Have My Full Support!
I support all of these But one thing, so many p10 are sick high levels already, so they would already be like p18 or something. But that's not much of a problem.
Support. I feel like instead of building huge walls, they should build a 5 block tall wall using barriers. Also once a lot of people are high prestiges they should add more prestiges
CypriotMerks is already aware of all the glitches you mentioned there. I told him about them, and a few others you do not know about, about a month ago. I don't know when he's planning to fix them though. For the maps. New maps will constantly be added to Infection, though it's not often, it happens on average every 8 months or so. New maps aren't always added, and Cyp/Crew are very picky with what they add. As for the map repetition, I don't mind it at all. Sure it can be annoying to some people that they've played the same map twice in a row, but it's not ruining Infection. Cyp/Crew talked about the subject of adding more prestiges. This was while Infection had the older plug-in, before the reset, and they said they were not going to add them because it would require editing the plug-in which was delicate. I know they've tried editing it before and sometimes there are crashes which corrupts data and stuff, or lots of people get reset. Although this was with the old plug-in, I would imagine it would be the same for the new plug-in as well. Also, you stated at the beginning of your thread that "Many glitches overcame Infection in the past period this made many people leave Infection". This I strongly disagree with. Three of these glitches have always been on Infection. The new "Lobby Glitch" is the only new one, and I know it's not causing people to leave. What's causing people to leave are the over powered prestiges.
Please tell me you're kidding. "Then you lost all the fun and goals you had, because you're very op and nobody can stop you," yet you still want to add even higher prestiges to make them even more overpowered? Stacking prestige on top of prestige rank is just going to make newcomers even more disadvantaged when it comes to surviving.