I think that we need a general chat on forums. Not super hard, just a little chat box on home page or maybe create a new slot up top ˆˆ. I just think it'd be cool cause we could like chat on our phones and such. Plus, what if the server crashes and you want to chat? Never thought of that, eh?
Support. I like the idea of a general chat, but mods will have to check it too to be sure no one is harassing or being racist, etc to any other players.
Like a shoutbox? It's been denied numerous times before because it costs lots of money and reasons stated by @Bexrs but I'll support, it's a neat idea.
Money is not a thing we need not worry about in this situation. From what I recall the forums has a chatbox you could enable, its not like the chatbox was a add-on that was outside of the website. So, yeah I'll support, sounds like fun.
Definite, definite support. I don't play in-game anymore, and I only really check on forums. I hope to see this happen so I can still chat with friends and other members of the community.
It should also be integrated in game so you can chat in game or on forums and it shows up on the other side