How can you help out the faction: Very experienced with Op Factions as i used to play it back it the day with a couple mates. We technically ruled it :P. Im also very decent at pvp, and friendly. Do you have skype/ts: I have Skype. List of alts names (pm if you're accepted): LickYourWounds Rank: Sponsor and Premium. Looking to buy Elite on christmas. Old faction: I have no clue played it years ago. Knowledge about factions: A lot of time looking into factions. You have to know what your doing and how to build stuff. Activity: 2-3 hours every day of the week. Its holidays now so props like 3-4 :P Write a small paragraph on why I should accept you: I think i should be accepted into Stranded as i have had a lot of past experience with factions and Op factions. I know what I'm doing and i am very friendly towards others. I also think i should be accepted as i have been playing mine verse for 3 years +, so i know how things work . Thank you
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