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  • NA ☁Terror's Moderator Application☁

    Discussion in 'Moderator Applications' started by Terror, Dec 8, 2016.

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    1. Terror

      Terror Well-Known Member

      May 6, 2016
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      I have been very rude to people in the past calling them very mean things.I have matured a lot from that time period.I used to call people "ez" "rekt" "noob", I no longer call people such mean names and I no longer hack.I know I broke the rules and hacked but I am no longer hacking or breaking the rules, I hope you may all forgive me for my past and look to a brighter future.I have also fixed the suggestions people have wanted me to fix on my last application.I have started to spread the gamemode's I play on.The main game mode's I play are Kit PvP(old, sometimes the new one)Op PvP, Infection, Prison, and Sky-wars.These are the main game mode's I play but I enjoy playing on others.I hope you enjoy reading my moderator application, any feedback is welcome.;)


      Hello my name is NoTerror but you can call me Hubert
      I am currently living in the United States,New York
      I love to play sports
      I am currently in the 9th grade
      I have a dog named Lulu, she is a Yorkshire Terrier(So cute <3)
      My favorite color's is Blue and Green
      I am currently 14 years old, my birth date is April 19th 2002
      If you need any help in game feel free to msg me or pm me on forums

      Your in game name:

      My in game name is NoTerror some people call me "Terror".

      What country do you live in?

      I am currently living in the United states and I do not intend to move anytime soon.

      What languages do you speak?

      I am fluent in English,however I know some Spanish. Throughout 7th and 8th grade I learned to speak Spanish at my old school.I am also fluent in Polish as my parents are from Poland, I am basically bilingual. I will continue to learn more languages at my High school.

      Do you have 2fa enabled?

      Yes,I have 2fa enabled.

      Do you have the necessary means of capturing evidence?

      Yes, I do have the necessary means of capturing evidence.I post all my videos on my youtube channel called "NoTerror". I have a nice decent recorder it is called OBS, the recorder is for both Pc and Mac.While taking screenshots I use Gyazo sometimes as well as print screen.I love to record videos while playing on Mineverse and I hope to do a series soon.

      Why do you think you should become mod?

      I would love to become a moderator on Mineverse.I love talking and meeting new people on Mineverse, I would be very nice and cooperative and fair with players.If a player made a report I will check the report and give him my best word or opinion even if the person was breaking the rules or not.If I were to become a mod I would take things very seriously.If I am talking in chat or I am engaged in a conversation I will use proper grammar and punctuation whenever I am helping a player or just talking in chat.I will be serious and professional and take the job very seriously.Yes at times there is a laugh or some type of joke that is funny, but if the joke is racist or breaking any of the rules that is not allowed and the person will be punished accordingly.My main top goals as a mod would most likely be to handle lots of reports and punish anyone who is breaking the rules(even my best friends), maintain a goal of being online and helping players out when they really need help for example: If someone does not know how to sign up on Mineverse forums I will teach them how to sign up on Mineverse forums in a detailed way so they do not get confused.My third goal would be to be online as much as possible.I think this goal is very important, being online for a long period of time gives a lot of time to check report and do reports.Being online in game gives players confidence in reporting people, for example: A player is online and meets me in the lobby he finds a hacker on Kit PvP 2 but he does not have a recording device and the hacker is really annoying him and breaking multiple rules.The player contacts me via /msg player and he tells me his issue. I record the player and ban the player for any offense he has broken and the hacker is banned from the server(The issue is resolved).
      Here are some traits and why you should pick me.


      I am very mature in game and on forums.I do not start fights,curse at other people.There is a simple way that requires no in game threats or violence.I can simply report the person for spam or breaking some type of rule if they do break any.If someone I know is getting bullied and cursed at there is a simple solution.To report the player.I may not have been mature in the past but everyone has that time period were they reach puberty and become a more mature person

      Fast typer

      This skill can come in handy a lot of times.I took computer classes in 5th and 6th grade.This really got me to know more about computers and how they work.I also took a class on how to program java and java's commands.I am on my computer a lot every single day and I type a lot on my computer.Overtime and
      throughout practice I became better at typing. I can now type pretty fast compared to other people


      I can be on Mineverse a lot throughout the day. I truly love Mineverse and I dedicate all of my free time as
      I really love the server.Here is the daily amount of time I am on Mineverse throughout the week
      Monday:5-7 hours a day.
      Tuesday:6-8 hours a day.
      Wednesday:6-7 hours a day.
      Thursday:5-7 hours a day.
      Friday:4-8 hours a day.
      Saturday:8 hours or more a day.
      Sunday: 7 hours or more a day.


      I feel that I am very dedicated to the server. Mineverse is one of the few servers I play on.I had lots of great experiences while playing on the server.I put a lot time and effort on this server.When I first joined the server I thought it was one of those hackers allowed server, I learned this the hard way.I now put a lot of effort and time into the server doing reports, helping people, and being active in game every single day.


      Throughout the day people ask questions. I will try to help the player to my best ability and help him if they need assistance.Being helpful is just one of my traits in a real life scenario as well, If someone needs help I will either volunteer my time to help them out if they are in a current situation or are having trouble
      in school I will help them to my best ability.

      I am very responsible,some people might disagree with me on this but i know school is the most important and that should be your main priority, school is very important and once you get into high school you get a lot of responsibility.The same thing applies to Mineverse, a good moderator has a lot of
      responsibility and he does not need to be told more than once to do something.


      I really love doing reports.Whenever I do reports I feel better when I feel rage or anger because of a hacker or someone who is cursing at me I simply report them, there is no reason to curse back at them or do some type of mean comeback that might hurt their feelings.Just simply reporting the person will do no harm to
      both of the players.I try to do at least 5 reports a day.


      I would love to help out and make the Mineverse community a even more friendly and helpful community than it already is.I just love helping people if they need assistance in game.I am a positive person and when I go trough a bad time I think of the positives and try not to think about the negatives.I have a motivation to become a moderator I will never give up this goal.Once I have a mindset to a goal I
      will never give up until I reach that goal.


      Yes, there are times when there is a joke now and then but if a real situation occurs like a person constantly cursing at a player I must be serious and not joke around the situation.I will report the player and strictly tell him not to bully or curse at anyone on the server. Situations like this must be obtained in order to
      create less cyber bullying.

      How long can you be active on the server everyday?

      Monday 4-7 hours.
      Tuesday 4-8 hours.
      Wednesday 4-7 hours.
      Thursday 4-6hours.
      Friday 5-8 hours.
      Saturday 4-9 hours.
      Sunday 4-7 hours.
      Forum hours will be the same

      How long have you been playing on Mineverse?

      I have been playing on Mineverse for about a year and a half or close to two years.

      Have you ever been banned in the past?

      Yes, I have sadly been banned a lot of times in the past.I am really trying to change and be the opposite of the person I was months ago.I no longer hack and I never wish to hack again, I hope no one goes through hacking as it is a terrible experience and it was very hard to overcome hacking.I now do the opposite of
      hack and I report hackers.I am currently banned on infection for hacking . I noticed what I have done wrong an I am trying to learn from my mistakes and overall change. ;)

      Do you meet the requirements for staff?

      Yes, I do meet the requirements for staff.

      Rate count:

      Support:D: 36
      No support::)16

      Once again thank you for reading my moderator application!All feedback is welcome!
      Have a great day!

      Last edited: Jan 3, 2017
    2. yehs

      yehs Builder Builder

      Sep 11, 2015
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      S u p p o r t.

      NoTerror, you're an awesome person who's always willing to help out the people of Mineverse. You're active, kind and you do do reports. I wish you luck.

      - D E L T A
    3. Tigerz

      Tigerz Boss Member

      Mar 20, 2016
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    4. Vape

      Vape Active Member

      Nov 28, 2016
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      Support :)
    5. Terror

      Terror Well-Known Member

      May 6, 2016
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      Thank you both so much it means a lot :)
    6. Swift

      Swift Boss Member

      Dec 29, 2015
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      One thing I saw in your app was that you said you /ignore people. You'll get a lot of hate as mod and you can't ignore them. You're supposed to be there to help even if they are annoying. How will you deal with that?
    7. Terror

      Terror Well-Known Member

      May 6, 2016
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      I meant this in a player type of perspective, if someone is getting bullied or harassed he can either report them or ignore them if they do not stop.I was not really talking about this in a mod's perspective, but I understand your concern.
    8. Swift

      Swift Boss Member

      Dec 29, 2015
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      And you're a player right now, so that means you are doing it yes?
    9. Terror

      Terror Well-Known Member

      May 6, 2016
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      It really does depend on the type of player we are talking about, It is really up to the type of person we are talking about.I would report them but if a player can not report someone for some type of reason a simple way to cause to violence is to temp ignore them.You understand what I am saying right?
    10. Swift

      Swift Boss Member

      Dec 29, 2015
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      I do but nonetheless I do not believe you should be ignoring people if you plan to apply for moderator, it shows you can't handle hate and you get a lot of it from this position.
    11. Terror

      Terror Well-Known Member

      May 6, 2016
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      Im talking about other people not myself, I don't ignore people..
    12. Swift

      Swift Boss Member

      Dec 29, 2015
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      Then you shouldn't include that in your application, it makes it seem like you do.
    13. Terror

      Terror Well-Known Member

      May 6, 2016
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      Deleted, thanks for telling me my words got mixed up a little.
    14. Swift

      Swift Boss Member

      Dec 29, 2015
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      I'll go for support then.
    15. Stacker7

      Stacker7 Boss Member

      Aug 19, 2014
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      I will go with support.
      You remind me of myself when I applied full of passion and excitement for hoping to possibly be a staff member. Anyways good luck. :)
    16. Terror

      Terror Well-Known Member

      May 6, 2016
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      Thank you so much, means a lot to me :)
    17. gabby

      gabby Legendary Member

      May 3, 2014
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      No support, currently banned for pretty recent offenses
    18. Terror

      Terror Well-Known Member

      May 6, 2016
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      Trying to change up a bit, I promise you will never see a offense from me ever again.Thank you for the feedback
    19. Grayman

      Grayman Experienced Member

      Mar 18, 2016
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      Neutral. Reasons stated in quote.
    20. Terror

      Terror Well-Known Member

      May 6, 2016
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      I deleted this in my app, look at the previous replies
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