How can you help out the faction: Being myself Do you have skype/ts: Yes List of alts names (pm if you're accepted): Rank: God, titan x4, premium Old faction: Lol Knowledge about factions: Hcf player was in tier 3-4 factions which are some of the best factions on mc. Still good in op facs I know what I'm doing Activity: Active Write a small paragraph on why I should accept you: Hi I'm Alex and I'm legit unlike a certain someone -.-
How can you help out the faction: Dab Do you have skype/ts: Dab List of alts names (pm if you're accepted): Dab Rank: Dab Old faction: Dab Knowledge about factions: Dab Activity: Dab Write a small paragraph on why I should accept you: I'm Fxded boy.