How can you help out the faction: Factions knowledge. Read below. Do you have skype/ts: I have both. I only give my Skype out to people who are trusted, so I'd prefer not to give it out to all the recruits in the faction. List of alts names (pm if you're accepted): Will PM if accepted. Rank: My alt is God rank, but my main (andrewswj) is Default, or you could say Moderator, unless I get demoted before OPFacs resets. Old faction: I forgot... :( I played on another factions server when Factions kind of died down totally here. If you would like more information on this, feel free to PM me. Knowledge about factions: I have knowledge about base building (walls). I also have partial knowledge about cannons. Although a bit rusty on cannons especially, I could find time to brush it up and practise. Activity: I am quite active. /staff to find out, but I couldnt get on since the past few days for 12 ish days because I'm on holiday. Write a small paragraph on why I should accept you: I have experience in factions. Although I cannot try hard play or be extremely active due to my moderating duties, I will be active. I am also a team player. My timezone is pretty unusual so I can prevent the base from getting split during then, by being alert. I know how the relationships and politics of factions are like. I would be a great asset to your faction.