/FlyFirst off I would like to describe what this command is. Well, its obvious, you can fly on skyblock, anywhere apart from /ma j. Positives You build quicker than without it. You can view other peoples islands after Negatives When I unlock my island, gods and titans can fly out of my shop and use my grinders. It gives me, as a premium ranked player, more time to build than people with /fly or /god. I feel like everyone or no one should have this command because it is too op and even though gods and titans paid or earnt the rank, it influences the game, making progress on my island slower than 'gods and titans' island. Gives a very unfair advantage to lower ranked people. Solutions There is a possibility that unranked or lower ranked players can earn this command. Other than that everyone should have rights to this command. Support or no support- Give your opinions on this topic. Cheers, Jason
It's a fair advantage, when i payed for my rank, i payed for all the commands not just a few. I was already pist when they took other commands away... pls
In the suggestions, I recommended that non ranks or lower ranks can also use /fly. I was only just suggesting to remove the command if there was no solutions to it. As shown in 'everyone or no one'
I honestly think people who can't receive this should be able to get it. However, I feel it should be given after they do something that would take lots of work to do. Like get your island level to 500, or maybe ingame money for the command. Not just given to everyone automatically.
Oh, that's alright. I'll just pay $250, and get no ./fly in Skyblock, because it's so called unfair. No support.
I agree with just about everyone else... No support. Paying for ever single rank up through Titan should have a few perks beyond knowing the servers will continue to run for yet another day. There needs to be an incentive to rank up and make it to god or Titan. Jason, I'm sure you would be been sorely disappointed if I took you up on your request to buy you god/titan only for you to not have the ability to /fly. I know one day you will get there, and hopefully /fly and /enchant will be waiting for you, so you too can enjoy the full benefits of those ranks. Jason I would think you should be able to protect your shop so customers cannot just walk out and use your grinders. At least I would think you should be able to protect your grinders if its a big concern. Best of luck! Blue
EULA is still a thing, correct? No support. - The command should be removed. Unless of course all players are able to achieve /fly. (through in-game money, or other means.) Than support.
Personally, I don't agree with this. I believe the /fly privilege on Skyblock is a big hit. Back, over a year ago, I bought God just to have the ability to fly on Skyblock.
No support your point is sort of wrong as ive played since the reset and my island level is like 6 its a helping hand we get for donating. im god and its a perk for paying $100 so its unfsir if $5 donors get it. also its rather unlikely that cyp will change the perms for ranks