Auzzi. One of my favourite ex mods. It sucks that you've resigned, but hope to see you apply again. I'll always be there to support you. You did an excellent job on supporting Mineverse, and making it a better place. I remember the time when you tp'd me into that secret hole on kitpvp2, and we started tping everyone else in and having a big party. Thanks for being my friend <3 Hi! I've never 'really' met you, but you seem pretty cool and a good mod, from what I've heard from others. I'm sure you're pretty nice and it'd be cool to meet up with you one day :q! Hi! I've seen you a few times with Exo, you're pretty nice and act friendly. You're an oldie, which is nice to see. Maybe we should meet up another time :*!!! Hey! Again, I've never really met you before, but I've heard some good things about you. You're becoming more active on the forums which is awesome to see. :$! Griff. You're the ugliest bird I've ever met. You're a loser. Jk ily omg <3!!!!! ur so special to me but we need to talk more often oh and I'm crying bc u blocked me off your profile like how rude hELLO! woopS MY cAPs button iS STUCK oh WELl. ive seen you a FEW timES on OPPVp AND StuFF ANd iVE said HI to yoU onCe buT yoU nEVR responded bUT That IS OKAY BECaUSE no one loVes me!!! but srrsly you seem pretty chill and decent and you're pretty active on the foruMS which Is GOOD to SeE! EDiT: I ALso lOve cOld ShoWERs!!!!!! relatable STAY SAfe have A gooD NIGhT/DDAy
Haha I remember that, It sucks how we couldn't manage to get back in but that was hella fun! Thanks for the great memories fishy <3
RELATABLE oH Sorry iTs Still STuCk oK AnyWAYS HEY u sEEM PREtty pretty ANd I LIKE YOur nECK I GuEss OKAY HAVE A Great DAY oR NigHT StAY SAFE
hello ive managed to get my caps unstuck okay anyways hELLO I like your avatar itS super cUTe also hopiNG you get more AcTIVe so I CAn possibly talk to you!! stay safee
Taju!! an oldie. I'm happy you're still here since a lot of the 2014 people have left. I remember the times we use to play together oh god I wish I had those memories back. oh well, stay safe and have A good Christmas!!!! blue! another one of my favourite mods. You did an amazing job as a moderator and you were so kind all of the time. I haven't seen you on bedwars though lately we need to catch up ok ttyl its lATe!!!! HEY! congrats on MODeRAtor again, yoU deserve it. you're also an oldie from back in the days!!! we need more people like you. OKAY sorry got to go I need to do one more tbh @Benko's OKAY HAVE A GOOD NIGHT/DAy stay safe!!!!
hey BEN you're also an oldie oh also that pickle did move. oH and ALSO theres a spider crawling up my desk so I should probably leave now oKAY bYE HAVE AgooD night/dAY stay safe don't stop infront of a car OXOX