Hello I have a suggestion so that on /kitpvp2 people cannot just e-pearl to the spawn half way through battle. Make this impossible because it technically IS pvp logging in a 'different' way.
I wouldn't agree with necessarily making it bannable, but more just of a way to prevent them from doing it.
True like i have a different idea of how u cud shoot out like you dont shoot outwards u shoot out upwards through a hole idk
PvP logging is the act of logging out of the server while in combat. This is just escaping PvP. Support on making it harder/impossible to pearl into spawn
Just add string before the entrance or something so the epearl gets stuck and the player falls back down. (Support)
Well, what is the definition of pvp logging? PvP logging is to in a sense log out of PvP. While yes, Enderpearls do allow you to escape a PvP battle, its not "PvP Logging" as you would put it. Enderpearling away would be defined as "Escaping PvP" and by that logic of saying Enderpearling away should be gone because its a "Different" way of PvP logging. Then we must consider getting rid of running away from battle then, since that's what Enderpearling relates to which is to escape battle. We could spend all day banning the different ways to relate enderpearling to "PvP logging", but the simple truth is that it is more relatable to running away than logging out of combat. To be fair, I do understand enderpearing to spawn could be called "pvp logging", however it does not match with logging out of the game but rather running away from battle. I do understand the intend is to decrease the amount of people about to live through fights, but I have to not support this idea based on your definition of enderpearls and how they are considered "pvp" logging" to you.
Support, I think Mineverse could possibly fix this easily by putting a "you can't enderpearl to this location" barrier inside of spawn.