Click the + sign and enter the code given at the top. Then enter a code. It'll change every so many seconds, so make sure you do it quickly.
I cant really remember how I did it, sorry. I just messed about with it and found a way for it to work that I currently don't remember. Sorry.
Search up 'GAuth Authenticator' and there should be a downloading thing. I'll try and link it:
This should help
Has he even resolved his issue? I don't know much about 2FA, just enough to get mine working. It's always been a nightmare for me, and on some of the other forums I'm a member of; I just use email-2FA as it doesn't require any fancy apps. @kinsey_kid did a great job of explaining it to me, maybe if he's not busy he could shed some of his 2fa-knowledge :P
Ok. I've tagged him, so if he's not busy, he should notice Again, if you still cannot find any resolutions, perhaps using a more simple method of 2FA like email keys would be reasonable, but it's entirely up to you.
Thank you for tagging him, I have tried mostly everything to the email keys to the authy and GAunthenticator, but I might be doing something wronf, I wanted to apply for mod but I should wait for a bit anyway
You could always try searching around the internet in regards to your issue, you might find some more help there. And it's up to you when you choose to apply, but (like you said) wait until you have fulfilled all the requirements