Hello I have a suggestion for OpFactions when it resets. This suggestion is to disable Tnt for the First week or so after the reset is released. The reason I have made this suggestion is to reduce griefing with in the first week. Since the world will be brand new it will give players the urge to blow it up. If you disable Tnt for the First week this will slow down the world griefing and people will focus more on Playing Rather than Blowing it up. I have Noticed a few other server have doing this. Many people enjoy this so they have time to build protection. -Thank you, Txch
No support. i would just disbale creeper eggs to prevent that type of griefing, but i use tnt to clear areas underground for bases. Its factions for a reason. This just shows your not good enough to get set up fast and everything. Plus its a huge world so youll probably be fine when searching for a place to set up. Im not saying im good or anything at all, but this just looks like a weak type of thing just go far out in the world
Support. It isn't fair for you to make an op base, then it gets blown up. EDIT: Neutral. People will also need tnt for building underground bases and blowing places up to build forts etc.
This is a small faction server, people don't even know how to build bases. Having tnt disabled for a week would be pointless. Players don't even know how to cannon and won't be able to afford much tnt anyways. Just have some balls and take the risk
bless. you understand ! XD yup even at the most it would just be like oh for the first like day but then that would be pointless too, and it would be too much for whoever working on it rn to have to put in the work and restart the server later in my opinion. just be happy that its resetting
I support this idea, I have played many servers that have a one week grace period it really helps when you have that so that you have a chance to get everything set-up without being raided in the first day (really annoying btw) so this seems like a great idea. Support!
No support. this isnt needed the point of tnt is to blow stuff up and anyway what will it do. Stop people geiefing for a week. and stop raiding with cannons. anyways people will do it after the week there is no point