-"mod tp haxor" *mod tp's* *haxor toggle off* *mod tp's away* *haxor tooggle on* *keeps hacking* -"mod tp haxor" *mod tp's in /v* *records haxor* *bans haxor* EDIT: I forgot *Haxor buys unban from shop (soon)* *repeat*
Support. There is a command called /mod or something like that. It puts you into vanish, you can't hit anyone and no one can see you. AND in your inventory, you get more things, such as an item to check the inventories, one toggle /vanish and more.
Neutral. Yesterday I was on OpPvp and a saw a hacker, the mod tp'd, and the hacker could clearly see the moderator, so they toggled it off. On the other hand, it could be abused so much.