I think mods should have /vanish because its so obvious when mods are flying around and while the mods are flying around the hackers see them and turn their hacks off or something like that. /Vanish should be a command mods can have because as long as a mod isn't watching them then the hacker will hack. How can you not support this? (unless your a hacker)
This is suggested so many times to cyp but he does not have the trust in moderators to let them access /Vanish Why I think it should not be added. I think it shouldn't be added because of these reasons. Everyone is like /ban /kick etc is an abusive command but here is the problem. /Ban /fly /god are all abusive I agree but /vanish is something that can't be caught by players of the community. This is leading to easy abuse and being able to cover your tracks with no members of the community being able to see if you are trying to abuse. So yea, that is why I am going with No Support.
We get these suggestions all the time, I hate to say it but it will probably never happen, it's too easily abused
I fail to see how /v will be abused on servers like kit and op. if they go into vanish while pvping, easy to report.
Agreed, there is a perm that means they can be in /v and Not be able to interact with things i believe its, - essentials.vanish and then to remove the Interacting with players -which is what i believe is why this hasn't been added- you can add the negative command - - essentials.vanish.pvp There would still be an issue with Lava trolling and things but i feel this would help massively as people usually stop hacking when they see a mod flying about, Just a thought and adding my input <3 ~Dan
it's already being 'abused' by titans on certain gamemodes. moderators still have the power to see those titans in vanish. Now, moderators in vanish abusing? no support lol. if you think they're hacking record them yourself.
You already have /vanish on the non-pvp gamemodes as Titan rank. He's suggesting this for PvP gamemodes if you can read it.