If a hacker and a non hacker are teamed and they are killing people is that bannable like does the non hacker get banned??
Snookaii Breaking rules such as hacking result in bans, and result as shown below: 1st Offense: 7 days 2nd Offense: 14 days 3rd offense+: 31 days (Perm ban will be highly considered) From the rules section, http://www.mineverse.com/threads/mineverse-official-rules-indepth.108261/#post-1076910 Only the player breaking the rule will be banned, not any players that do not hack, unless provided with eligible proof.
No you can not be banned for teaming with a hacker You can be banned if you hack with the hacker Good luck hope your issue is resolved ;)
Hopefully these answered your question. No, you cannot get banned unless hacking yourself. Feel free to pm me for any other questions or concerns you may have regarding this topic. Closing.