My friend just got on Minecraft after a while of not playing. Now he is on pvp servers clearly hacking but pretending he's just good. I don't want to lose him as a friend but I want him to cough up and say he hacks. I caught him before with a whole bunch of clients but now I can't even get him to screenshare for me on skype for proof. He is getting way out of hand and needs to stop. What should I do? I secretly reported and banned him on Kitpvp on mineverse, another server, and got him ip banned on another one. He found a new server and is starting up again. If you could help me with this situation, that would be great.
Lol welp he is now getting ss'ed on another server as I reported him...this is getting out of hand. I hope he stops soon
Tell him, hacking isn't worth it and if he doesn't stop just leave him be and let him get banned until he learns his lesson. No need to hang around that person if he ain't gonna change. If you do, he might influence you to do so as well..
He won't play servers like that for some reason. Probably because he hates hackers.... Alright thanks . He just got ss'ed yesterday and I guess he uses an autoclicker as the guy couldn't find anything. It's so easy to just delete your autoclicker or rename it before being ss'ed.
Just remove him as a friend. If you ask him to stop, and he doesn't, he obviously doesn't care about your opinion.