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  • Is Mineverse Dying?

    Discussion in 'Discussion' started by _Rlxtreme_, Nov 29, 2016.

    1. _Rlxtreme_

      _Rlxtreme_ Experienced Member

      Jun 30, 2016
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      The ultimate question that everyone seems to know, is Mineverse dying? Well, lets dig into the information that we know.

      Is Mineverse dying?
      Recently I made a post in a similar thread speaking about the current population of Mineverse and how it might be dying. Of course I kinda contradicted myself a bit by saying it isn't dying but it is as well. Now, while my opinion of the matter was a bit unknown, I will make it clear now. Yes, Mineverse is dying. Why? Well, according to current data from the past two weeks, we see a bit of a hill, not the good type that is.
      Untitled.png j8bIca1.jpg
      That in mind, I did take a look at a graph that a player found in the same thread that I posted my graph and the hill becomes more clear (The second image above). While our daily count for weekends seems to be okay, our total amount of players connected each month seems to be dying down.

      What's the problem then? If we know that people aren't playing how can we fix it? Well, it could be multiple things. From updates that the server has made to updates in general. Recently we had a reset on Skyblock which attracted more players to that game mode and I myself have played it more than I have ever. However, I believe more players left Mineverse in general than those that stayed on to play after the reset. But, the reset just came out, so no exact data can be shown at this time, maybe in a few weeks we can see some accurate data of how many players stayed on Skyblock after the reset vs the amount that left.

      The problem could be inactivity in our upper staff management as well. We know that Cypriot was gone for quite some time recently with a move from what I recall. That of course meant no one could actually update the server since Cypriot handles all the updating and administrating of the server (another reason we need more admins). This of course could scare new members and core members away from playing over time. However, when Cypriot returned it felt like the server was being updated at a better pace (not a preferred pace, but at a better pace than before).

      So, if we can't exactly point to Skyblock's reset announcement as a problem and Cypriot not being inactive at this time, then what gives? Why are people leaving? Two other reasons could explain this issue. The first being the community. As many of you know, the Mineverse community is one of many communities in Minecraft multiplayer that is very unique. Now, is that good? No. In fact our community is one of the most harshest communities towards the staff and the players that play the server. To be fair, others servers have trolls and chat offenders, but not as much as compared to Mineverse. The community itself is like a war zone with multiple people fighting for respect and power over others. While many players treat each other with kindness and respect, others seem to demand respect than ask for it. All in all, the community does scare off a few players here and there and seems to enjoy watching the staff fail as well.

      The 2nd issue that we could assume is the issue is Minecraft in general. You might ask, why is Minecraft the problem? Well, its because of updates. People are skeptical of many things about Minecraft, but mostly the updates is what people doubt the most. While Minecraft does turn a profit with the amazing the updates they did in the past, the problem lies in the future updates. With the new 1.9 combat update that is reaching a good year now if I recall, people are now doubting that Minecraft will ever be the same Minecraft they saw before 1.9 came out. The 1.10 winter update along with the recent 1.11 exploration update encouraged the new combat system that everyone rather disliked than enjoyed.

      Although I do like the combat system, not too many like it in total. Even though to my defense it is better than the previous combat systems Minecraft had, its not the best at the moment. It needs work and the community expected better from Mojang. Which resulted in core players leaving Minecraft due to the updates. How can we prove this? Well, all servers in general are decreasing in players. Mineplex (Note, I'm not advertising these servers, I'm simply mentioning their names, I'm also not putting their full IP, so I'm abiding by the Mineverse rules, staff, if I'm not, please let me know in a conversation) and Hypixel are decreasing in maximum player count along with Mineverse. It seems that rather all the servers in general are decreasing because of the recent actions of Mojang.

      So, in conclusion, is Mineverse dying? Yes, it is dying. Whether it be the updates Mojang implemented or Mineverse in general, it is dying. So, now that we answered the age old question, what now? Do we just accept it? Of course not! Some solutions that we as a community could do together to help slow down the player loss would be:

      - Report hackers
      While Moderators do handle a handful of the hackers that are on everyday, there still seems to be quite a few hackers online. Now, we could sit there and spam Moderators in chat, "HELP HACKER IN KITPVP, RLXTREME IS HACKING! BAN HIM!" with no evidence whatsoever, or we could do the work ourselves. Whats so bad in having the mod go to the hacker tha tis online at that moment? Well, smart hackers would see the Moderator online and would simply turn off the hacks to avoid a ban. Not only does recording a hacker helps the server, it helps the Moderators save time and effort in recording themselves, logging it, then banning them while also handling other things such as answering player questions in-game and helping others with their issues in-game.

      - Be respectful to others
      While I don't demand this as a requirement, I do push this as hard as reporting hackers. The old saying, if you want others to respect you, then you respect them applies so much in our daily lives and in the community as well. We influence each other in so many ways whether it be good or bad. While people may not respect you back at all, you influence them and eventually they might start respecting you as well. This goes with everything too that influences you and others around you. Whether it be hacking, respecting, or even scamming, we influence each other to do things we commonly do in-game and in real life. If we want our community to be better, we must learn to treat others with respect and eventually they will do the same thing and eventually the community as a whole will be better for it.

      - Suggest things you want implemented in Mineverse
      We all are unique with our own creative ideas. That being said, we can all help the staff make this server better with our suggestions. From the /vanish command that several people have been asking for, to resets that encourages new players to join game modes in even battle to the top. We all have great ideas and if you have one, make sure to post it and see if the community agrees with you. Of course keep in mind that a recent thread another player made might be the same idea as yours, so always make sure to check other suggestions as well.

      - Be patient
      This world we live in demands things now, not later. We want our cheeseburgers instantly at Mcdonalds or Burger king which is why they have drive-ins. the same applies with our community. We want updates now, we want our server better, now, we want this, we want that, we want everything to happen now. Sadly, the world doesn't work that way in everything. As perfectly executed by fast food joints, the faster you get the food, sadly the worse the quality of the food is. The same goes with Mineverse, the faster you want the update, the worse the quality of the update is. We have to be patient with things in life, or else the quality of things we get will be bad. Examples would be of Towny that was made a year back, yet Cypriot didn't exactly work on it but the community demanded it now. Therefore, we got the worse version of the game mode in beta. So, try to wait it out and hopefully things will be better rather than rushing it now.

      - Finally, be a community.
      Communicate with each other like a community does. Treat each other like friends rather than enemies. This goes with the staff as well. Be communicative with the community you are apart in. Are you going on vacation? Let the community know so they could wish you well in your adventures. Are you needing assistance with building something? Let the community know you need help and surely the community would be willing to help. This goes out to Cypriot of course since he's the only admin at the moment implementing updates to the server.

      So, in conclusion, yeah the server is dying along with Minecraft, but we can help slow it or rather stop the player leaving Mineverse. We can be a better community that encourages players to be apart of it. We can help the staff moderate the server by reporting hackers and treating each other like friends. We can be a community that communicates with each other, letting each other know whats up and helping each other out even if we are the owner of the server. So, I hope this ends the trend going on week by week and I hope many people read this and understand it. Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed it.
    2. Andrewswj

      Andrewswj Boss Member

      Jul 21, 2014
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      Well said. I hope to see more reports coming in ;)
    3. Legalized

      Legalized Experienced Member

      Oct 12, 2013
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      Maybe if more suggestion threads were accepted but sitting here watching it happen isn't gonna solve anything lol
    4. iGlitcher

      iGlitcher Well-Known Member

      Feb 17, 2014
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      Yes slowly
    5. Exy

      Exy Well-Known Member

      Dec 3, 2014
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      #100th thread on this

      Maybe if people made threads of suggestions to HELP Mineverse like @AlexHandsLs did with the ban situation on how to get rid of ban evaders we wouldn't be so "dead" and more suggestions to make PvP better, simples.

      One thing that killed most of MV is the rule about "laby mod" I've asked about this "mod" on whats wrong with it, I've checked it out, the only thing different is the "animation" THE 1.7 ANIMATION does nothing in pvp, it makes you feel like you're on your fav MC version on your fav mc server -.-.

      Pce, make suggestions instead of "mv is dying" -.-
      Last edited by a moderator: Nov 30, 2016
    6. _Rlxtreme_

      _Rlxtreme_ Experienced Member

      Jun 30, 2016
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      Like I said, I wanted to make a thread to end the trend of "Mv is dying" threads. This most certainly answers if not gives us reasons why it is dying and solutions to help stop the death or slow it down. There's no suggestion that could be implemented in-game or on the forums concerning this thread, its more or less a discussion thread about the server dying. Most threads don't even talk about why it is dying, how its dying and how we can stop/slow it from dying. I'm hoping this thread answers the question for most people making threads on if it is dying or why its dying.

      As I said concerning the owners, we need to be more communicative with each other. If the owner is struggling to implement a suggestion accepted, then he needs to let us to know so we could offer our assistance.

      As for waiting for things to happen, we waited for towny impatiently and got a rushed version of what we "could" call alpha version of Towny in Beta. If something is accepted or being implemented, we need to wait, of course things take time and when you only have 1 administrator it becomes a problem of working on new projects and taking care of bugs on previous projects as well. So, with one admin and a few builders we have to understand that big projects like resets and game modes need time to make.
    7. XxFluffy_CringlesxX

      XxFluffy_CringlesxX Active Member

      Dec 29, 2015
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      It really gives out on how you feel, and how we should feel about ourselves. Take the members advice and use it, we want to make our community fresh and full of kindness :kissingcat:
    8. Maxamul

      Maxamul Boss Member

      Dec 18, 2015
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      If only I could be treated with respect and kindness.
    9. IExo_

      IExo_ Experienced Member

      Jan 20, 2016
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