Discussion in 'Forum Games' started by Maxine, Nov 26, 2016.
Fearless I done it before -.- Fear of talking to strangers irl?
Fearless Living in North Korea
Fearless. Being on a mine craft forums site while at school or in college.
Fearless The stairs in the dark (Feeling like there's something behind you)
Fearless When your parents schedule you something and you don't know about it until it happens
Feared When your nudes get eXposED
Fearless. When someone decides to tell you they're having your kid.
Fearless. Being told you have an std that could be fatal
Fearless. Being a midget
Feared You run out of crisps
Fearless. School.
Fearless. GbDuck's signature :3
Fearless Having the ball down 1 with 10 seconds left
Fearless Getting kidnapped
Feared Dropping your phone
Fearless. Falling off a 500cc bike
Fearless Dying to hacker in minecraft
Fearless ez ban :P Hacker telling your IP address in chat
Feared Weird sounds home alone
Feared Dying to staff abuse :D