1. Brightness over 100% (Found in the 5zig mod) 2. Sprint (Auto holds down the control key, i've seen some people use it before) 3. Use of my custom mod which only adds the two above and a dank watermark, nothing else
Wait, the sprint key thing is 'Toggle Sneak' right? Or is the mod named that? If it is, it isn't allowed
Its where you can toggle if you want sprint on all the time or if you want to control when you sprint. And yes, the mod is usually called "Toggle Sneak"
Multiple mods do the same thing as toggle sneak does, just has a different names. But I'd say toggle sneak is the most popular one.
Hello @Potatoritos, yes all of those mod's are allowed.By the way Labymod is not allowed toggle sprint,5zig mod,optifine they are all allowed Hope I helped;)
It's been debated whether or not to officially consider togglesprint an illegal modification, but never clearly stated. In my opinion it does give you an advantage over others - which as stated in the official illegal and legal modifications thread: "Any mods that give you an advantage over other's are illegal". So, it's questionable. You'd have to find out for sure from a staff manager. @Dyna_Mighty?
Toggle Sprint, where you are sprinting all the time is allowed. Toggle Sneak, where you are crouched and can still run at full speed is not allowed.
Send me videos of what toggle sneak does then because I've been told since I've been a mod that toggle sneak is not allowed and for that reason. There are plenty of things that allow you to run while crouched, believe me, I've banned for it. I won't be able to look at anything until after Monday because I'm off for the holiday.
The toggle sneak mod is the toggle sprint mod, all it does is allow you to sneak without holding shift. The running while shifting is the sneak on a hacked client.
I hold down the control key to sprint. I've been doing this ever since I got minecraft because it's just easier for me.