tbh i wish that we were friends again and i miss what we used to be. i really wish u'd actually talk to me fur once and be real with me again.
tbh i dun't know u but i recognize ur name and u seem super duper fun to be around! :33 tbh ur a lumpy clumpy clod but ily infinitely and ur awesome and IM SORRY I DIDNT FINISH UR SKIN DONT HATE ME LOLOLOLOL but ur dope and lit and cool beans so i'm sure u'll furgive me eventually :33
tbh OMG JANICE ILY ik we had kinda a weird past but we r best twinnies now and we got matching capes to purrove it and i still need to draw u <3 but ily babe
TBH KYRA ILYSM ur mum #4 and ur such a doll <3 tysm fur being so super dee duper nice to me! ur super cool and ur liked by evfurryone! u and @Disrespection make me laugh suh much, and we r literal girl squad goals! let's hang more purrlease <3
OMG PILE TBH UR THE BIGGEST BAE HERE !!! UR MUM #1 and i've always always always looked up to u. I love u so so much, and u've been one of my role models fur years. i wish u were actually my mum, bc u understand me and always look out fur me. i wish we could talk more bc i honestly really really miss talking to u. i love u so so so sooooo much, and i owe u like 5 million hugs <3 <3 <3 <3