GABE01! You are definitely one of my better friends and longest lasting friends that I have met on here. I probably annoy you a lot and I am sorry about that! But hey, promotion buddies! Huge congratulations on that, you are doing great and maybe hit up that Sr. Mod promotion in 5 months time! <3 Janice! You are legit one of the nicest people I have met. You are extremely sweet and I love that about you. You are also Disney crazy and I think that is awesome! You are a good friends, great mod and an inspiring person. You make people smile and I thank you a lot for that. Keep doing great! <3 Jessica. First impressions of you were that you were a pretty cool person. We talked a few times on teamspeak and I probably just made fun of the way you speak because you are a posh Brit and I find that funny. Overall, I'd say you are a nice person, though we've kinda not talked in a while. Not sure why, don't really think there is a reason. But yeah, you're cool and you should message me more often lyt Can't celebrate too early now, can we? :p I think it's cool that you speak the truth, mostly and that you are not scared of voicing your opinion. I respect that. Sometimes I disagree with the things you say, and sometimes I feel you just post for the sake of posting. You're not a bad guy though, I have nothing wrong with you. Unfortunately, indeed! I've not really seem too much of you, which is weird because you've got 1.5k messages. So, I don't really have an opinion on you. Though, I will say that I think your cover photo is pretty bloody cool. You confuse me sometimes when you just join in with people's messages on their profiles. You are a fairly fun guy though, but you tend to join in a little too much with what other people are doing. You're an old friend. Always choosing to destroy me on infection because somehow you are good at it. You're a chill dude, not really managed to talk on ts much with you unfortunately. Though, we've ran into eachother a few times on there. Most of the time it's in-game though. You're helpful when you choose to be, which is fine. You're doing nothing wrong. Overall a cool, relaxed guy.
I wish you would! :P For real, you are a great moderator and I am very happy for you that you got promoted to Sr Mod, after me telling you for so long that it would eventually happen. You are honestly a really great person and very understand and fun to talk to. Extremely easy to get along with and I enjoy our chats, and our casual joking around that we seem to have from time to time. #Random4demote You're a pretty nice person in general, but I haven't really had the privilege of actually talking with you, besides talking on the staff chat which is usually always server related issues/helping out. You're good at that though, so keep it up :P I have high respect for you, Connor. First knew of you from another server (You know where) and I believe that was back when I was mod on here previously, or just after I resigned. I think you're aware of the reason as to why, which is totally fine with me. You're a cool guy, never overly talked much with you, but when we have you're a decent person to chat to. Not really talked with you, besides our few encounters with one another in-game. You're a fun person though who is definitely up to have some fun and I think you're a cool person. Never really seen anything wrong with you. I'm around basically whenever if you want to talk. :P I don't really know you, but I know of you. I've seen you around the forums a fair amount and you can be rude at times, but most people are, so I guess it's fine. Just don't let it get too out of hand, otherwise that ban hammer will come down. Carolyn, I loved talking to you many months ago! You're such a fun, awesome and overall great person. You are also veryy good at singing and playing the ukulele which hopefully I can hear you play sometime in the near future. Not too sure what happens with us, but he kind of drifted. Probably because of stuff I done, or whatever. Start a convo with me? You have a very dedicated personality. You wanted mod and you put in the hard work to achieve the position and I'm glad you did, you are very good at what you do. I used to think you were kind of annoying, but you've grown on me and I can honestly say you're actually alright now. Grats on 1 month, btw ;) My service was good, I know :P Billy, known you near enough since the beginning. We've been in some weird calls way in the past, when you were the ultimate squeaker. You probably still are, haven't really heard your talk in over a year, probably. You're doing a fine job as mod, keep up the hard work
Many people can have that amount of messages and seem like randies to most known members Thanks for le compliment on my cover though