I don't know you that well but you're sweet and I enjoy your messages on my profile I've known you for such a long time & you mean so much to me. I trust you with anything and you have got to be one of the sweetest people I know. You're hard on yourself but seriously you're so beautiful and great, I'm glad to be able to call you my friend. ilysm I don't have respect for you (surprise suprise) but yeah otherwise I never got to know you too well. You take it kinda too seriously when I'm just joking around You seem a lilll too flirtatious but I don't personally know you that well. You are pretty Gayson we go wayy back! We've had our issues and stuff but you've been there for me whenever I needed you and I'm glad I met you I feel like ur a good friend of mine but at the same time we barely know each other :(?? you have such a beautiful voice and you're just beautiful in general (OOPS sorry for complimenting u) We just started talking recently and you're a cool dude. Thank you for being so nice
We have had our ups & downs but I'm happy that we've made it through them. You are so funny, and I've always felt like we share a lot of stuff in common. You may think I'm the worst person in the world and just won't admit it but thanks for dealing with me and thank you for being part of my life. ❤️ ily sm I don't know you well enough to have much of an opinion on you :( Hello we've never talked before so I don't know much about you but I think you're good at your job here Hey I don't know you too well but you seem nice boi what even is that profile pic? otherwise I don't know u We have not talked much before but I agree soap is good for personal hygiene