Awh, thanks hun! I'll make sure next time I see you in game that I say hi, should come meet me on ts one day or something
Diggy, we actually go back quite a long time - Used to talk very often about random stuff (throwback to our group with Tads) - I'm glad your back but I must stress this... STOP WITH THE ECHO! Oooooo Madi, we definitely do have a very weird history together. Honestly, some parts I am happy to have happens, others... Not as much (You know who). We used to be like really close friends and loved it, then stuff happened and y'know, we kinda drifted apart. Now though, We are doing good again, I think? I'm glad that I can call you a friend Well, Stacker. I think you're a pretty cool guy. You're very determined towards your set goals which I respect. I also respect you more because you have an awesome cousin whom I won't mention, but you know who. We're pretty random together, don't overly hold conversations often, just the usual profile post and what not. You're a bit of a squeaker, but we all were at one point. So, top tip for you is to get a deeper voice. That is all. You've definitely grown on me, for sure. I'd say you more mature now, since you've returned from your very small departure, that you preferred to call "quitting". It's cool you're back and I believe that you are re-applying also? So, I wish you the best of luck with that and maybe join me on the staff team again? So, I used to not think an awful lot of you, but recently you've actually been pretty busy on here. You're trying to help out the server which I think is great. I really like some of the suggestions you come up with, though not all think that. You enjoy sharing your opinion, and stick by it which I respect you for. You've changed for the better, from what I can see. I'm quite confused on where we stand. We used to be friends, now I don't think you like me? I can probably take a wild guess as to why, and I would completely understand your decision as to why you don't like me. When we were "friends" though, you were a pretty cool person. Very easy to get along with. I have nothing against you. Ehhhhhh, you're very ehhhhhhh. That's how I am describing you. I honestly don't understand a lot about you. Firstly, you applied for moderator on here, started acting all nice. Then I caught you hacking on an alternative account and proceeded to ban you for ban evasion. I'm not quite sure if you are dedicated, or as dedicated as you maybe think you are to gaining the position, but if you are, a lot will have to change. Not gonna lie, I don't think our paths have ever crossed at all. Feel free to leave a message on my profile to say hi or something Triggered, that is all. For real though, I think you're pretty cool. We've not overly talked besides once or twice on ts/skype. You also thought I never liked you which I found weird and still do to this day :P You're very helpful with us newbies to the staff team so keep up the good work, Brett. Sarah! Veevee! Veronica! *Insert More Names* I miss talking to you! Though it's definitely my own fault that we don't talk, tbh. I am VERY SORRY and I do actually like talking to you. I'll hopefully join you on ts sometime this week. I'll also message you at some point on Skype just because I can :P Love you <3 Benko. I actually think you're pretty bloody cool. You're also one of the better Faction players I have seen in a LONG time. So, I do expect an invite on OP Factions after it is reset ;) Stay saucy and salty and British and Brexit-Out. (You are a scone) Enjoy the bait, mate. You are similar to me in the sense that you tend to stay up till stupid times. I say this because when we first talked on ts it was like 6am for you and we were busy on Towny. You're a fun person, good and easy to talk to (Plus your accent gives you like bonus points, but hey! Who's keeping score?) Overall, a pretty chilled and relaxed dude.