Rodeen, we've been in arguments and all, but you're a very sweet person. You're a funny person as well, and very positive. You interact with a ton of people. You're also very good at making videos. Thank you for being my friend. Good luck with YT! When I first saw you playing on kit-pvp, you were very mad at people. You were mad at me sometimes. Now I've never actually talked to you, but from what I've heard about you is that your caring, and funny. When I first met you, I imadietlly knew I had to be friends with you. You're very helpful, and a good person to come to when needing help. Thank you for being my friend. Stacker, you're funny at times. You point stuff out that I don't even realize. You motivate me a lot, and tell me never to give up. Thank you for being my friend.
You're a very mature person. You take in a lot of hate which I feel bad. You're very quiet at times. Also, you are very good at managing stuff like College and Minecraft. You're a wonderful person, I wish we could talk more. Thank you for being for my friend. You're new, so I can't describe you. Although from your introduction, I could tell that you really want to become a great mineverse player. You're very nice from the replies on your introduction, and cool PFP. You're voice is heaven, Adele 2.0. You're a nice person, don't really talk, and go with what someone says. Thank you for being my friend. I wish we could talk more. Lanie, you're very sweet, caring, funny, dramatic ( not in a bad way ), and calm. You're always nice to everyone, and respect them. You're very nice to me. ilysm, and I hope our friendship never ends. Thank you for being my friend. ❤️ Colby, I've been in a bunch of arguments with you that I regret. When I met you, you were very nice. You're a serious person & one of the only people that actually time, and explain why you no supported an application, suggestion, etc. I guess you not consider me a friend, but Thank you for being MY friend.
You're pretty active, nice, and helpful. You also are very nice to me. Thank you for being my friend.
You're a generous person. You gave me stuff that I still have on factions. You saved me from pigments, and you're funny. Thank you for being my friend. You're one of my oldest friends. You're very funny, jokingly, and crazy. Thank you for being my friend. You're very funny, sweet, caring, and insane. I've said this before, and I'll never stop saying this, I wish we could talk more. ily.