tbh comment for one, but don't expect a lot. to all those people that disliked this, lmao what r u doing.
Obviously. tbh ver you're one of my good friends. I love talking with you and being one of your staff partners. You're a nice person and I appreciate that you deal with me. I barely know you but you seem cool. Hello old friend tbh pandi I really love talking to you. You're one of the nicest people I have met. You're chill and I know we have had our ups and downs lately but I'm glad we're still friends Hey tbh you're a big noob which is great because I am also a big noob too. You're really calm and nice which I love that in people. You're funny and fun to play games with. tbh Uncle I love that I met you. You've been a good friend ever since I met you. You're a very helpful person when it comes to infection. I'm not even sure what to say you're just so amazing. tbh Jhow ever since we started talking we've been really good friends. You're really funny and I like to laugh with you. I enjoy talking to you almost everyday. All in all you're a very nice person besides all the joking around. You make me laugh and I thank you. Oops just roasted you. tbh Alex you were kinda rude to me at first but now we're sorta friends. You seem really funny and chill to hangout with. ok you comment there no tbh for you. jkjk. Tbh Random you're weird and just saying I'm more random than you. You're pretty funny and not gonna lie one of the nicest people ever. You're very honest and trust worthy. I love talking with you and being wonderful friends with you. YOUU. tbh Kyra we've had too many great moments. Whenever we talk/hangout we're always laughing. You're a very funny person even though we've had tough times. I am glad I met you <3. Haven't fully met you yet but tbh you seem like a really nice person and I would love to talk sometime. Don't leave bb. tbh Max you're actually so funny I can't even rate how funny you are. You're fun to talk with in skype chats and I love having great times with you.