So I'm sure most of you are aware it's Remembrance Day soon. (The Sunday closest to November the 11th). This may be only something in England, or the Uk, but I do think everyone should remember the World Wars, and any war to be exact. If you do not agree, or think negatively of this feel free to click off the thread. Spoiler: Remembrance Poem Shooting, crying and endless sorrow, Families broken within each hour. In hope all will be resolved tomorrow Battlefields clamouring to gain more power. A cannon on the eleventh hour of the eleventh day. Poppies sold in honour of those who dead lay. Trudging through mud and gore, Keeping spirits up through battalions of men, Hands and feet rubbed and shot raw, A casualty letter, paper and pen. A cannon on the eleventh hour of the eleventh day. For the freedom of Europe, life was the price to pay. Relentless shells, bombing and shaking, Unknown enemies hidden behind nooks, Wives and chilrdren's hearts, breaking and breaking, The day in history written into books. A cannon on the eleventh hour of the eleventh day. The wars of the world, the despicable games to play.
The end is coming tis so true, now everyone is so blue, that the world changed , and how it was arranged. Hope, Courage, and Power, All three are gone and we need to empower, the lost souls that are criers, and encourage them to seek their desires. The War is coming and very soon, the world will change every morning, evening, and afternoon. The dead rolling in their grave, Regretting every man we promoted that are knave. Now the time has come, for us to stand as one, to fight until we are done, when the day is done with the sun...
It's a pretty good poem I would say but nice job, don't listen to urnesto, he's always negative about everything and he is rude to everyone. This was my rememberance day ceremony. Can you guess which one is me? Not telling you. :P but I think rememberance day isn't huge because the second Halloween is over people are thinking about Christmas. Truth is to me rememberance day has more meaning to me, it's about the sacrifices people had made to make this place better.
I am very interested in knowing more about this Remembrance Day. Is it just something that is for the UK and England or observed other places. I've seen it on our calendars here in the States, but never really thought or heard much about it. I think its pretty neat having people from all over the world, learning about other places and cultures.
England was in ww1 and ww2 with United states as well, I don't think we celebrate the day the war was on,we do have veterans day..
Only the common wealth nations such as Canada, England, Australia, South Africa, India etc etc celebrate rememberance day. The United States celebrate Veterans Day, both days are exactly the same but called different from my understanding.
Celebrating a war isn't really a good thing I don't think anyone can celebrate about the lives of the fathers and husbands that never came back home to see their families ever again. Maybe thank them in prayers for the bravery but celebrating nah. At the end of the day man kind shouldn't celebrate over the mistakes and actions that led to a war. Especially ww1 with 38 million deaths
Sounds good to thank them for killing 7 million civilians -.- just leaving my thoughts and opinions below like you said
Reminds me of Americans celebrating the end of World War 2 by nuking Japan, killing 220,000 civilians. While we're at it, let's celebrate the Great Chinese Famine, those 40,000,000 Chinese people that died. Haha wow, let's launch some fireworks.
I think it's pretty big. Halloween isnt such a thing for me. I have no idea which one is you! We didn't have a cermony but we did have the two minute silence.